@MINNOWBOOTCAMP may not be voting?
This is the Big Move, getting EVERYONE over to the @mbc-meps Bot, Most of the SP is concentrated over there and we have another 900 SP coming in within a Week. @Undie moved a big chunk late Saturday Night, (2000SP) and just pulled ~500 from @minnowbootcamp and it will be there in 7 days as well. There is ~400 SP due ANY DAY from the old DELI that was with STAX.
We are getting everybody moved over to MEPS and then re-filling Boot Camp, with a POINTS SYSTEM.
@MINNOWBOOTCAMP will be for Boot Campers, and most of the DELI will be with @MBC-MEPS to service the bulk of the "Recruits". This is how it should have been in the beginning! We will get this thing sorted out, and are currently getting the class work in place for the Points System that we will be using to advance to Boot Camp.
Tell your friends to get over here and look at this post, leave a comment and I will respond. Since there is some VP backing up, coming here is how to get a Vote ;)
...as always, "excess VP is burned off" in my comments section ;)
Join the new @MBC-MEPS bot at Discord!
Wait, so instead of MBC I should sign up for MEPS now?
Staying signed up for @minnowbootcamp is one of the points that adds to your total to get into the new, improved Boot Camp which will be reloading as soon as we get things sorted out. So yes, sign up for @mbc-meps ASAP.
i'm almost reaching the sp goal i want, when i reach goal that i will delegate some to you!! <3
Keep the work my friend <3
i hope you are well,cheers from venezuela !
I believe I have both of them set up on Steemdunk. So it will be all good. Helping in both fields.
Join in guys
ok, I started following MBC, do I need to do anything else?
that is it!@mbc-meps, correct? Then Send Screen Shots to Undie or at the boot camp discord!
Sweet, now the battle of boot camp begins.
We will grow together as one ☺
How do i sign up for meps? :)
Same as for minnowbootcamp! CHEERS, Agent "M"!!!
Loud noises!🤣🤣
goood job DD!!
So I need to do autovote for both at 100%
I have no friends 😭
i am your friend now. :P
Sweet! Make sure you come over to this post, leave a comment and he will respond. The excess VP is burned off in the comment section. If you aren't already in @MBC-MEPS make sure to get enlisted.
Aw, thanks for tagging me here buddy. i just did! :*
I am upvoting both mbc-meps and minnowbootcamp 100%. As I only have 15SP, should I do anything more?
Is it a loss to be a bootcamper now?? ;) Hehe
ive noticed no more votes from minnowbootcamp, and the ones from MEPS have been pretty sporatic, missing several of my new posts, must be due to the switch?
well, in part it could be but Meps should be "normal" by now.
If a vote is "missed" you need to check your times, and oncd it is past 24 hours you can do a "minor edit" as always, and it will then vote. If one is truly missed I can manually vote for it but then the timer starts again and it will be 24 hours before the next automated vote. OR I can use the Undie Account.
Drop me a DM if the "minor edit" trick does not work, and mind those 24 hour times ;)
If I could, I'd go to like a 22 hour timer, which is more fair, but Steemdunk does not offer that YET.
Minor edit didn’t work
Ahhhh, I know you're probably sick of hearing my redundant questions, Sarge, but due to a string of technological/financial errors the internet keeps slipping my grasp. What can I do to help, Sarge? Heading over to @MBC-MEPS after I hit "Post"
This is a good change! more people will be able to join! pinging my pals @alejandromata and @santiagolaw , so that they sign up ASAP!
Looks very interesting. I'm in
I think I'm all set, not sure, please tell me.