Homework 197: My Ridiculous Excuse

A Ridiculous Excuse

It was the time of the year in school where everyone was cramming up to complete clearances and finally get those scores revealed. In our school, before we get cleared to proceed to the next year level, we had to make sure that we had our hand written notes with us to be shown to each teacher.

I had done all of them for all classes except my geometry class. Math was not something I am good at, writing math lessons as well as formulas really tire me out, and usually just avoid doing the darn thing.

But I had to show my teacher my notes if I wanted to proceed, it just has to happen or else I will be stuck in the same year level while everyone else moves on to the next. This is definitely something that is out of the question as definitely this will be something my parents will be very unhappy and maybe even become violent about.

So I devised a plan...

I will be using my elder brother's old trigonometry notes and rip the first page, and claim as if it was mine. My teacher is going to be too busy checking everybody else's, I am sure she will just come around. Hopefully I will not go beyond the deadline, or else I will be screwed.

It was a sunny morning back in year 2003 when I was going to submit notes for my geometry class.
(This was a conversation with my geometry teacher, as how I remembered it)


Me: Teacher, Good morning! Here are my notes.

Teacher: How in the world do you take care of your notes? Why is this so old and almost torn apart?

Me: I'm sorry teacher, my little brother must've pulled it apart thinking it was another of his toys.

Teacher: Okay, Just leave it there. I will check on it in a bit. Ill call you once I'm done.

Me: Okay. Teacher. (Already feeling anxious)

(Sitting in the classroom just waiting, it was just me and the teacher. Something that might have taken 30 long and agonizing minutes)

Teacher: My dear, are you sure these are your notes? I don't remember discussing the topics here. These notes are not for geometry. Where are your notes?

(Panicking, not having a plan B)

Me: I'm very sorry, I was very sure that it was my geometry. I really had those notes with me, and we're running out of time because of the deadline. Can you let this pass teacher?

Teacher: What do you think of me? What do you think of my integrity? If I let this pass, other will take advantage of the situation and do the same. You can get your notes at home, you still have time.

Me: Teacher, I am sorry for lying to you. But my dog bit my geometry notes, and our helper threw it away thinking it was trash. I'm really sorry teacher, but I cannot not go to the next level, my dad would kill me.

Teacher: As I recall correctly, you do not have a dog. Remember that we live next door to each other. You also do not have a helper, your mother takes care of you at home!

Me: (I think I need to perform Seppoku. This is getting out of hand) Teacher, I'm sorry for lying again. I don't know what to do anymore. I really need to pass this subject, this is the last remaining clearance I need to proceed.

Teacher: Then give me your geometry notes!

Me: I don't have it, teacher.

Teacher: Where is it then?

Me: I never had it, I never wrote down anything for your class.

Teacher: How did you study then?

Me: I borrowed my notes from my classmates when we had study groups. Please forgive me teacher, I will do anything to pass.

Teacher: Then you can start by writing down the notes from the start of the class till the end. I have one of your classmates notes for you to copy. Feel free to hurry up as fast as you can and make it to the deadline. This should serve as a lesson for you not to get lazy copying notes for class as well as lying to me.


And on that day, in 2 hours and 30 minutes (more or less), I completed the whole lesson plan notebook full of notes for our geometry class that year. I remembered my fingers writhing in pain as I wrote as fast as I can to beat the deadline. If there is anything I have learned from that class was to diligently write notes regardless if the subject was something that interests me or not.

But if there was something that I lost on that day, it was my face. I lost a large part of my pride that day for lying and failing at the same time. That was one of the most ridiculous excuse I have ever made up in my entire life. I wonder if anyone else could have pulled it off.


While the homework wanted us to share the funniest/worse excuses you have heard from your students, I would like to share my experience where I was the student and what was then the most ridiculous excuses I could have come up with in order to pass. I wonder if you, as teachers, have ever heard of something worse than this.

Let me know on the comments below if you have, or maybe write about them and post the links here so I could laugh together with you.

That is definitely a wrap, please FOLLOW me and do support me by hitting that UPVOTE button and RESTEEM this post as well!

See you guys on the next one!


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