Jane's sadness - Parents and children

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

When she opened her eyes she was lying on the soft grass under the trees. You could hear the birds sing, the beez buzzing in the flowers nearby. You could smell the flowers and hear the wind softly blow. She had forgotten about time, where she was, she just wanted to be alone. Every thing seemed at peace here, she wanted to stay here for as long as she can. She couldn't remember how she got here but at this moment it didn't matter .


Jane is 10 years old. She loved nature and spending time with her best friend. But sometimes she could get so carried away that she lost track of time, like today. Lucky her mom always knew were to find her. 

Today was different, Jane lost a very good friend of her. She didn't know how to cope with it. They have been friends since she could remember. They did everything together. Every always said they were like sister. 

As she was laying on the grass she tried to get her head strait. She new she was at school talking to her class friends when mom came to fetch her. She could see on moms face that something was wrong. She remember that they got in the car and their were silence. When they got home mom just sat there. Jane remembered that she took moms hand and asked what happened?  Mom turned to her and told her that something terrible had happened. 

Jane felt if she wanted to faint, she couldn't breath, she couldn't say a word. Jane remembered now how she got here. After mom gave her the news she got out of the car and just ran and ran and ran. She came to the place where she and Sue came to be alone . Jane's head started spinning again, all she could think of was Sue. 

" Sue, o Sue. Why had it to be you?" Tears started to run down her cheeks again, she couldn't help to cry. Mom told her that Sue and her parents had been in a car accident and there were no survivors. This made her cry even more. What was she suppose to do know? Who was she suppose to talk to know, share all her hearts secrets with? It was so unreal.  She closed her eyes again and just cried again.  Their were a million things going through her head. Jane started dozing of again. 

She was startled when she felt someones hands on her shoulder, it was mom. Through her tears she could see mom's eyes were puffy of all the crying. They just sat their for a while and said nothing except holding each other and crying together. 


It's been 2 months since Sue is gone. Jane tried to hold it together but some days were easier than others. Her mom were very supportive and tried to cheer her up but she just couldn't get her to move on. Mom was so patient with her, she let Jane just talk and get her emotions out. During these weeks there was a new girl in class. She seemed very nice but Jane preferred to be alone.  After a while this girls started reaching out to her. They would talk for a while and then Jane will excuse herself. 

 The one day she saw her sitting alone, she wanted to turn around but something in her told her to go to her. So Jane went up to her. They talked but Jane could see under the smile she was sad. Jane asked her what was wrong and the girl (her name is Bella) just smiled. Their was a tear running down the one cheek. For the first time Jane forgot about the sadness she had.  Bella told her that it's been hard for her to find a friend. She had to leave her best friend behind when they moved here. Jane felt her pain. Jane realized she had been in her own world that she didn't see Bella or any of her other class friends trying to reach out to her. 

It was then that Jane started reaching out to Bella. She realized that no one will ever replace Sue and what they had but she had to move on. And by letting people back into your heart helps to heal you and make the sadness better. She missed Sue, and the things that they had done together. Now she has the change to be a friend to someone that's alone and felt left out.She wanted to be a friend to someone like Sue was to her.


One of the most difficult things in life is to help your child get through a loss of someone dear to their heart. It can be a good friend or an family member.  If we ignore it we will wonder a few years along the line what has happened with our child. In the mean time we haven't helped them or teach them how to deal with it. It's okay to be sad, angry or feel lost but it's also okay to let your emotions out. This makes our relationship with our child get stronger. Together we learn how to face things.

Theirs days that I would cry with my child , but by the way that I handle this they will handle the next situation different. Sadness doesn't go away but it gets better. We can teach them that nothing will replace that person but it can help us to help others who is going through a tough time. 


Time is a healer! sadness goes away with time, we just need to manage it well at the very instance it is still fresh.