Physical scars vs Scars of the heart

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

  This past week has been challenging. 

We decided to get both our daughters tonsils removed at the same time. I thought it would be a good idea and not so challenging. Wow what a surprise I got. The one thing I wish is that I could take their pain away or make it easy. I could do nothing for them except comforting them and pray that the pain medicine kicks in quickly. 


Tonight while I was waiting for them to fall asleep I was watching them. The easy part of this whole thing is you can sooth the physical pain and see if there's pain and do something about it… the scars will go away, the pain also goes away.    Me and my oldest daughter had a talk before they went to bed about fear of going back to school because of some of her classmates that's making fun of her because of her tonsils. During this conversation a few other stuff came out of friends that’s bullying her with words. That's the scars that can not be healed with medicine or a doctor. This made me sad because sometimes we as parents miss this scars as well. 


If she didn’t tell me this I wouldn’t even notice it because she is my happy child. What do parents do when they don’t have a relationship with their child that's open. I can help her, encourage her to do the right thing and not to lose hope. But this deep heart scar takes lot more care and love to heal.   This week with its challenge made me realize how much more I want to be there for them, how much more I want to listen to them and comfort them were I can and help them to get healing for the heart scars.   

 My question is how many times are we so busy with our own hurts, disappointments that we miss our kids hurt or disappointments? I believe that our care, comfort and love that we put in our kids makes a difference and can make a difference in the kids who is the bullies. We are here to make a difference and help our kids to make a difference. 

We won't  always know how to handle this, we might even want to do something to this bully but the example we set for them on how to handle a bully is far more important. I told my daughter that she knows the truth,she knows who she is! And no one can ever change that. She must just keep on being the light God made her to be because somewhere along the line it will change the bully's heart. We started to pray for them and it's amazing to see how her attitude changed and she is more confident than ever.

My you be inspired on how to help your child to get the scars get healed.



I can feel it. I too had tonsils problem in my childhood and was not at all active in sports and always sick and my friends used to tease me. I decided to write and started poetry. Looking back, I thank my parents for supporting me. God bless you for understanding them

Your daughters are fortunate to have a supportive parent like you! Good job! It is not easy for children and the advice by parents are definitely essential.

It is so important to create those open line of communication at an early age. Teach your children that it is ok to talk about anything. Have discussions regularly so it is a normal thing to open up and talk. It is much harder to build these bridges once they are teens. Great job getting to them young.

The cicatricez of the soul are those that we as parents sometimes can not see, it is important to be attentive and have a good communication with our children. thanks for sharing!!

Prayer changes things! Keep it up with the prayer habit... God works wonders!

Parenting is the toughest, but most rewarding job in the world. Now more than ever we need to be in tune with our kids and have open communication, the world is a scary place and as much as our kids deny it, they need us (and we need them).

Good post nice

You are such a good mother to your daughters. It's true that many parents miss the warning signs of their children's unhappiness and often realise it when it's too late.