Through the eyes of a child

in #steemiteducation7 years ago


The other day me and my husband and our two girls were on our way to the city. It takes about 2 hours drive for us to get to the city. They were babbling in the back of the car, playing games and singing and just enjoying each others company. Every once in a while my youngest will say " mommy or daddy!" Just to checks in and make sure we are still their. Its so funny we are in one car but still she checks in, not that we can go anywhere. 

My mind ran wild, I was thinking of the days work and how I had to rush home to make sure that every thing is packed and ready for our trip. I was going through the files in my head to make sure I haven't forgotten about anything.  It was like my youngest knew I was thinking of something and she asked from behind me if I had remember there swimsuits. I just smiled and replied yes. 

The reason for our trip was to take my youngest to the doctor for her tonsils. We got there and the whole time she was asking me why she needs to go and what the doctor is going to do with her, every time I will explain to her the whole procedure.  We have been waiting in the waiting room for quit a while and that made my poor child nerves like crazy.  Finally the time came that they called her name. 

Every thing went smooth and I was so proud of her. I was so nerves, although she loves people and would talk your ears off she doesn't like new doctors. I wasn't sure how this would go off but I think all the questions that she asked was part of getting her to calm herself.  She was so happy when we left and I couldn't understand why till we got to the car. My husband promised them some ice cream. 

The rest of the day we did some gameing with them and went to a few shops. There were times that my youngest would hide behind me and I just thought she is silly but the third time she did it I knew something was up.  I realized that every time she did this their were some tall men or woman walking past us. Well this must be very intimidating for a 4 year old little  girl. She feels so small. 

That evening after they went to bed, I was thinking of the days events. I realized that we as parents forget that they are still children and that the world to them is this incredible big round thing with a lot to explore. We are used to people, big or small. We are used to big buildings, cars and traffic. We will walk miles were their little feet get tired after awhile. Sometimes I make the mistake to think she must know everything and do things my way, only to realize after awhile she still needs to learn how to. 

It's always special to me to sit and watch her... she would notice the smallest things on the ground and have so much appreciation for it. When I do something for her she can't stop thanking me for it. The joy in their faces, the excitement when they see something new. It helps me to see thing from their eyes.... new, unique and special. They will see things as beautiful where we will see it as old or ugly. They will stop for a moment and enjoy what they are doing, I can't remember when last did I just stop and enjoy the moment, take a deep breath and just be quite for a moment. 

Through their eyes the world is new, fresh and full of opportunities. They will start each day with a jump for joy. They will think the smallest thing is funny and laugh so hard you can hear them from a mile. The excitement when they see me after a long days work... nothing can compare to that.  They will make turns to tell me what they have done and who said what in their classes. The things they say always make me smile. 

We as adults take life serious and forget to enjoy life. We forget that it's a memory and not a competition. The one thing that I've learned this few months of this year is the more I stress about my child the more she feels the pressure and the more I'm relaxed the more she just enjoy being herself and she wants to do more and explore more. 

My challenge to you is: Go down on your child's level (even if it means you have to go lay down on the grass with them) and see things from their view. Just maybe we will be more relaxed with them and not push them in a direction that can leave scars  in their life's.  We think they could teach us nothing, but you just can't imagine what we could learn from them. They embrace every moment and live for every moment...we stress for every moment, it only steals our joy and that steals from our most price possession...our children. 



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