Did you ever realize how fast the days go by when you get older. It feels like it was just yesterday that I made matrix. Well the first term has gone and a lot has happened .... to fast. Now that I look back on it I realized there were a lot of stuff that made me worry, cried and laughed. There were days that I wished would just past quickly and other days I wish would stay for a little bit longer.
My oldest daughter is now 8 years old....I was so worried about her, there were days that I just didn’t know how we will get through all the new things she needed to learn but know I realized that she’s going to be okay.
When you started having children you have to learn everything from the start. You grow with them, you actually cry with them some days. No one can pre-pair you for each chapter that you need to face. Each year gets more exciting and with the excitement their comes more responsibility.
Today I was watching her, she’s perfect (in my eyes), she loves sports, she loves music, she loves people and she loves going to school. For her age she is responsible. One of the questions that has popped up in my head is : How did this happened, in 8 years how did she get so big and so mature? It’s as if something just kicked in.
It’s not because I’m such a great parent or do things by the book, she is the way she is because she wants to learn, she wants to do things the best she can. She see’s us working hard and putting everything we have in all we do. She even teaches me how to handle life. A friend told us the other day he was in a situation where a guy just drove in front of him without slowing down. At that moment he lost it and he started swearing at this guy. The next moment the guy did the same. That evening at home he apologized to his family for this guys rudeness and at that moment his oldest daughter told him that just maybe if her dad didn’t start to swear at this driver, the driver wouldn’t have done the same. He was so shocked at her remark but new she was right.
This made me think....our children are our windows to the world. When it’s going good at home the world see it in your child. When things go tuff at home the world can also see it through your child. We create their picture on how a family should operate. Children isn’t just born to fill up an empty space in our home or to say : “Hey, I’m a parent!” We are their teachers of life. We teach them how to cope, how to face trouble, how to be more than just something, how to be happy and enjoy being alive . When I look at my girls I appreciate life again...I appreciate them again. They see the smallest opportunities and they enjoy the ride.
The magic is in the small opportunities with them, growing with them to a bigger picture. A picture of hope, joy and love. A picture that they mean something, that they are important. A picture of they can be whoever they want to be because it’s possible. That’s my heart for my child, what is yours?