Kids may be rascals, but in Elementary they will probably not be so daredevil'ish as to leave the classroom to make a joke. Not enough puberty hormones yet.
Wouldn't wanna risk staying for detention on the last day now would we?^^
Desk would be too close, though it largely depends on the type of desk. Many of the desks our teachers had in school preclude this option entirely, as they are often closed from the front and you could only get in under there from the chalkboard-side.
Mrs. Kringle may be tired, but her feminine intuition would have made her register some little bastard sneaking through her immediate proximity. Though they don't always know women are more in tune that way I find.
Billy would opt for the closet, feeling super smart and invincible about this most obvious choice from an adult's perspective. Not to mention half the students now giggle and eyeroll in his direction...
Which reminds me of what I wanted to blog about next, THANKS <3
Finally, Billy's "little" body size may be very advantageous in this situation. If he were the heavy kid in class, he would neither have made it to the closet in time, nor fit in there right away without making a lot of commotion.
Closet it is, number 1.
Lol! You gave this considerable thought 😁💯
Oh just lots of experience...