
Awesome! Keep me updated! What genre do you prefer?

I think I will give fantasy or science fiction a try.

Fantasy and sci fi are a bit more complicated because your setting is totally created in your mind so you must exercise detailed creativity in painting the picture for the reader, but if done well can be fantastic!

I have been a fan of these genre for most of my life. I also read historical novels and will not turn my nose up at anything. Thanks for the constructive comments, I appreciate it.

You touched on the most important thing that makes a great writer- you have to read- a lot!

You are very welcome! I hope you know you planted a seed in my mind... Every so often I will remember you saying you were going to try writing this year... So I will be expecting an effort ;)

Awesome material I Agree!!!

Thank you!

You're welcome! How long have you been writing for?

I have been writing since I was tiny. I always had a story in the works :) But I never thought I could make a living with it even though my English professors told me I should. I went into radio instead. After a terrible accident left me with a long recovery time, in 2009 I decided to focus heavily on becoming a professional writer. It took a couple years of daily, dedicated work- "putting my time in" if you will for little to no pay, but now I can say I am a "professional" writer, as that is what pays my bills ;)