and the truth is if they are but they make the mistake of letting their children
are near televisions, computers, telephones, etc.
Surely they will ask themselves but what does this have to do with this?
the internet has many things both productive and negative.
You go back to say but I do not let you see any of that but in reality you do not know what social networks are seeing so much like facebook, instagran, etc. they contain images of that type in other words they lend themselves to that .
most of the time more pornography than violence.

For example, the cartoons of these hours have subliminal messages that you can not see at first glance but if you detail them well and pay attention you will see the parents do not care about this because they simply think that by letting them see these things they can do their activities without realizing that they hurt the child they have not realized that the cartoons of the hours are not the same as before, the cartoons of the hour have violence, and other things and the children after seeing them are worse than at the beginning.
please reconsider and take precaution in what we let the children see the children are a sponge that absorbs everything they hear and sees them learn quickly we are aware of what they do so as not to harm the futur.

So cute baby using loptop
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