There are seven kinds of intelligence that must be possessed by someone to be successful in the future life; linguistic-verbal intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence, other intelligence also include visual-spatial intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence.
Most of our society today is experiencing an illogical dilemma, a condition that allows them to believe that intelligence is something that is given to us or something we will not have forever, and that there are some people who are fortunate in some societies, born musically gifted while others are not sensitive to the tone but show great talent in the field of Mathematics.
While we can not deny the existence of many examples of people born with the gift of certain intelligences, research has also proved that a large part of one's intelligence is fostered through practice and exposure. In other words, if you were not born with mathematical talent, through practice and exposure, we can learn to develop our ability to work on Math at a high level of intelligence.
Source: raisesmartkid.com

All these intelligences can be nurtured through environments that give encouragement to the development of the intelligence. A newborn child, and his parents often play music to him, communicate with him only in the adult language (not in baby language), and always teach new words using a picture card. As a result of all such exposure and stimulation, the child is likely to be able to speak quickly and his intelligence grows rapidly at a relatively rapid age.
Many examples of cases as we mentioned above, where parents put their children in a learning environment that is enriched with music, toys and educational exposure. As a result, the child can get a series of great accomplishments, and they do not come because of his luck born with an intelligent gene, but a direct result of his exposure and stimulation.
Stimulation of certain intelligences stimulates the development of other intelligences
Source: journalofmissh.com

Many parents look at the brain like a water container with limited capacity. If efforts were made to develop their child's musical intelligence, they feared it would hinder their ability to excel in other seemingly unrelated intelligences like logical-mathematical intelligence. 'People can not be good at everything' is a common belief that parents hold. Unfortunately, this belief is sometimes reinforced by a false picture of the film that children who excel in sports (kinetic intelligence) are usually bad in their schoolwork (mathematical-logical and verbal-linguistic) and vice versa.
In fact, in the world of education, when we stimulate the development of one of our children's intelligence, it will lead to the development and stimulation of other intelligences that apparently different which our children have, provided their development is not deliberately blocked by their parents. That is why we will get and see that many geniuses are extraordinary about the abilities they possess in their intellectual abilities. For example Albert Einstein is a brilliant scientist, mathematician and violinist, while Leonardo Da Vinci is great in sports, arts, architecture, mathematics and physics.
Dalai Lama said:
When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.”
- Frames of Mind-Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner
- How to Multiply Your Child's Intelligence by May Lwin
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Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
- Albert Einstein