Linguistic-verbal intelligence is a high ability to organize the mind and vent ideas well and clearly and be able to use those abilities straightforwardly through words to express these thoughts, whether in speaking, writing, or reading. All of us would love to communicate or maybe be friends with people who have this intelligence because people who are smart in linguistic-verbal, they have high verbal intelligence, they are clearly people who have the ability to speak and write prominent. They bring themselves well verbally and seem to always know the right thing to say.
This intelligence is greatly appreciated in today's modern world, as people tend to judge others from the way they speak and write. The ability to speak is often one of the most important aspects used when a person is forming a first impression. For example, a famous orator can make his listener mesmerized, regardless of his appearance or outfit.
Source: patinthehat00.wordpress.com

A person with high linguistic-verbal intelligence will not only demonstrate a skill in the mastery of a good and relevant language, but also be able to tell stories wisely, argue properly, discuss well, accurately interpret, report accurately, and performing various other tasks that are related to the task of speaking and writing.
In fact, speaking skills are the main and most prominent aspect of verbal intelligence, the linguistic intelligence element actually consists of mastery of various language components such as syntax, semantics, phonics, and pragmatics.
Jobs that rely on greatness to play words are quite large in number and include professions such as law, writing, organizing television shows, negotiating, editing, teaching, and politics. However, the intelligence of playing words is an asset in every other area as well. For example, doctors should communicate with their patients, employers must negotiate and write reports, while army commanders should inspire his subordinates.
Source: psu.edu

People with the skill of using words intelligently have the ability to appreciate words and their meanings as well. They are able to develop sharp and straightforward language usage, and can easily combine their structure and syntax to match it to every need that it needs in accordance with the context in question. The point is that they are able to use the language well to achieve the communication goals they want.
Some famous people who have this ability are Umar bin Khattab, Alexander Zulkarnaini, Che Guevara, Sokarnoe, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Such a personality is known to evoke emotions just by using their verbal skills.
Source: whatsfordinner.net

The benefits of Verbal Intelligence are not only for the benefit of good communication but also of great benefit to expressing one's thoughts, wishes and opinions. Even if we do not expect our child to be a superior speaker, being intelligent in words and communicating is a very decisive ability that allows them to communicate with each other in their social and educational lives. The importance of having this verbal linguistic ability is very clear: One can not expect much to be able to interact or convey his thoughts easily without the use of good words. Surely we've all been fascinated and amazed by someone who is caused by his high vocal skills and vice versa, we've been bored by non-vocal and weak speakers in the delivery of material. Our society clearly emphasizes the importance of how a person speaks, and a person with weak linguistic-verbal skills will lose.
- Frames of Mind-Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner
- How to Multiply Your Child's Intelligence by May Lwin
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