Good Way How to Teach Procedure Text for Senior High Students (Biligual ENG-INA)

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, I would like to talk about what I do with my students in my class today. i have one quote that said "If teachers can make the subject fun and interesting, they not a good teacher". I have been teaching for English 6 years now. But i still don't know how to be a good teacher.


Jika seorang guru tidak bisa membuat pelajaran yang dia ajarkan menarik, berarti dia bukan guru yang mantap. Jadi haruslah kita menarik bila menjadi guru, kalau tidak menarik penampilannya, menarik lah materi yang kita ajarkan. Saya sudah mengajar 6 tahun, dan belum tahu apa formula yang bagus untuk mengajar.

What i do to my student everytimes I enter to class is explaining the subject and what the use of the subject. Example like what i do in my class yesterday, we studying about procedure text, so i expain to them there are many youtubers who are rich by mastering this kind of text, they get interested and so i can explain more based on curriculum, so at the end of the class,I asked them to make a video about one procedure text that they now how to make, the stuff that they now how to do.

Yang saya lakukan dalam kelas kepada anak didik saya adalah mengaitkan apa yang sedang kami belajar dengan kehidupan nyata siswa. Kemarin di kelas kami, kami belajar tentang teks prosedure, jadi saya jelaskan pada siswa kalau youtube yang mereview mainan, masakan dan barang elektronik itu mengerti benar loh tentang teks prosedur. Jadi anak-anak jadi bersemangat dan mereka ada keinginan untuk belajar teks ini.

As we know procedure text is teach for grade XI (eleven) at all senior high school in Indonesia. And text it self talking about the steps how to make something or to do something. It can be tutorial, recipes, and how to make a stuff.

Di Indonesia kelas sebelas (XI) atau kelas dua SMA mereka belajar teks ini. Teks prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara membuat sesuatu. Seperti tutorial, cara masak dan bagaimana membuat benda-benda.


Or I use my prensentation and put it here to make you easier to understand. Its said Procedures help/tell us to do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions e.g. step by step method to grow hydrophonic spinach.


Procedures text begins by outlining an aim or goal.
and there is a list of the materials and equipment needed.
The steps are then listed in order also the steps we show it in order. So the watchers can try it at home.

Saya pakai slide presentasi saya, untuk memudahkan pembaca disini. Di teks procedure kita membuat tutorial menanam sesuatu, misalnya cara menumbuhkan bayam hidroponik. Kita awali dengan memberikan list benda-benda yang kita butuhkan, kita harus menunjukkan pada pemirsa dirumah -kalau divideokan- biar mereka bisa praktek di rumah. Kalau untuk guru ya, tulis saja dimana guru suruh.

To make that easier to understand I will show you one kind of example of procedure text, its te is how to make apple juice. Ingredients and material/supplies

Untuk membuat lebih mudah lagi saya akan memberikan contoh, ini contoh teks procedure cara membuat jus aple.
Bahan dan alat yang kita butuhkan adalah:

Apples – Beberapa apel
Cinnamon – Kayu manis
Sugar - Gula
Large pot with lid – Cerek yang besar dengan ukuran liter air
Ladle- sendok besar
Colander or sieve - saringan
Filter- cheesecloth, jelly bag, or coffee filters – saringan kopi
Canning jars – cerek besi
Jar grabber - cerek
Canner - panci

That are the first step that we need to asked the student to list it in the beginning of the video. And the next step is the steps how they make apple juice.

Itu adalah tahap pertama yang kita minta untuk siswa memvideokan, dan selanjutnya tahap-tahap pembuatannya

First, choose the sweet apples
Then, core the apples and cop them
After that, prepare the jar
Next, cook the apples. Turn the stove on high. Once the water is boiling well, turn down and continue to cook until the apples are soft.

Then, strain the apples. You can run it through a sieve or colander.
After that, Heat the juice on low until you've collected enough juice to fill the jars.
And finally, can the juice into canning jars. (this example is on my slide all the time, but i don't know anymore where is the website i found this example)

And I am waiting for the respons from you about this way, maybe you have another way to teach procedure text. Please let me know.

Saya meminta respon dari teman-teman kalau ada cara yang lain untuk belajar prosedur teks selain meminta anak-anak memvideokannya, kasih tahu dong.