Stimulate generosity in children.

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

How to promote the value of generosity?


Generosity is an essential value that is taught since children are young. It is not about forcing children to share with others, but to generate in them a feeling of generosity. This means that the desire to share comes naturally from them because they understood that by being generous with others they get others to be with them.

It is not easy for them to understand what it means to be generous, they still think first of themselves and their toys are of great value to them.

What to do to promote generosity

The first thing we must take into account when teaching this is to give the example children learn by imitating their parents, when the child sees generous actions in you, the child will want to imitate you, in this way you will begin to understand what it means to be generous .

  • Describing the needs and desire of other people, is a way to create generosity in them, as this implies giving importance to what others also want. An example to apply this is, when buying something to eat, we can express what dad or mom would like to eat and be able to choose something, taking into account the tastes of another person, instead of buying separately or buying only what that the child wishes.


  • Teach him to understand and express his feelings

You will not be able to teach generosity if it generates anger and frustration when sharing, but if you express what you feel you can talk to him and explain what he should feel when sharing. If they find it hard to share, tell them that they understand, that it is difficult but that sharing is good. The important thing is not to force him to share, but to teach them to do it.


  • Praise your generous attitude.

When you see that you share, tell him how happy that makes you, for example: "You are very kind to share your candy with me!". Or: "I'm very proud of you for sharing your doll with your sister." You will feel happy because you liked it and with time it will be natural to behave generously.


  • Never tell them "you are selfish" or "you are bad for not sharing"

While what you want is to generate value, you should not take attitudes to lesspress or punish, be generous should be a feeling that is born by itself and not an imposition. If you are taught to share in an imposed manner, the only thing that will be achieved is that you challenge yourself, instead of being more generous and you will not see generosity as something good, but something that transmits frustration and anger.

  • Encourage him to surprise his friends

If you have details with your child and you are surprised, he will be aware of the happiness it brings, and if you encourage him to do the same with his friends, he will surely be happy to do so. An example we can take: Go to a jugeteria to buy your friend's birthday present, mentioning that we will only buy a gift, that it will help you choose one that you like and can enjoy the birthday boy. Thanks to these details, you will realize how easy it is to make others happy by small gestures.


Starting to develop this value at home is the best way to teach it. Involving him at home with small tasks, he will realize the important value of helping and generously giving time to others. You will also be aware of the important value of cooperation for the good of all.

  • Giving clothes from them involving them in the collection and delivery.

When choosing which to give and what not to, it is important that they know that they will not use it anymore because they have grown, that there are children who need it, to show that it is a gesture that generates joy and empathy will understand that generosity generates a benefit: the happiness of seeing others happy.


Fostering education


Hello Friend. It is very important to instill the value of generosity in children since they are babies. Not only in sharing their toys and teaching how to react to those moments, but also teaching them to collaborate in social projects that include both children and adults, showing them the importance of union and harmony.

Great points, if possible, all these items should be gamified too to make the lesson more effective

hello friend @roseri ue cute are generous children. they are a blessing

Generosity, a great encouragement to share, to create values, awareness, to be able to detach easily from things that are necessary for some and not for others. Encouraging generosity in students is important.

The best way to teach children is by example. They perceive that attitude and will try to copy it.
I wish we could all give that example

you are right @roseri. The greatest example that we can give to children is their parents, teaching them with their acts to be more generous and to encourage coexistence and sharing.

Lovely post @roseri, I'm trying very hard to instil generosity in my child, so thank you for your very useful advice.