Christmas is the most anticipated time of year for many people, where usually family and friends meet, since Christmas is synonymous with peace, love, unity and prosperity.
One of the things that most enjoys the holiday season is decorating our home. Take out the Christmas tree, the lights and all the ornaments. And is that Christmas is characterized by having a Christmas tree.
If you still do not have yours and you are thinking about choosing one, the first thing to decide is the type of tree.

The artificial tree:
Mainly they are more economic, you can also save money since many of them bring lights or embellishments integrated and if you know how to take care of it you can use it years after years.
But you must be clear that artificial trees are made with plastic resins from petroleum and their production contaminates the environment and you are not helping to avoid cutting down natural trees.
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The natural tree:
The main factor of these trees is their aroma, many consider that they feel a more Christmas atmosphere with the natural tree. In addition to being biodegradable and help to prevent global warming. But they are more fragile and difficult to transport and you have to be more careful as it is a living being.
Many prefer it artificial since they do not agree to pull a natural tree to place it as part of the decoration of a house, but as the saying goes, "between tastes and colors have not written the authors."
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These are the two most common options, but if you are creative and a lover of recycling you can also make your own Christmas tree