I'm going to study? And now what do I do?
Son of the many questions that we usually ask ourselves when we finish high school.

Although some young people already have in mind to dedicate themselves, most of them find it hard to decide what career or profession to study. It is logical, many times we get carried away by our parents and let them decide for us. Other times it happens that as children we create an image of what we think we want to be when we grow up, but in reality, does a child have knowledge about that? The truth is not, at that moment we do not have the slightest idea of what this career is about, which we think we like.
If you are going through this dilemma do not get complicated, you are not the only one. I also went through that, and I even let myself be carried away by my parents and I was wrong but it's never too late to rectify and start from scratch.
My recommendations are:

Find as much information as possible about the careers you like.IMAGE SOURCE

This is very important, since many times we may like what the career is about but we do not know the curriculum of it.IMAGE SOURCE

After you have all the material, compare and put on a scale. having the pensum is easier to decide with which curriculum you identify more.

Find people who are dedicated or have knowledge about the professions that you like. Ask them to talk to you or explain a little about what they are about.
I hope these recommendations help you when deciding the right profession, but if not remember that everything in life has a purpose, it does not matter if we fall, what really matters is knowing how to lift and move forward.
I am wrong when choosing to study but the truth that I do not regret even though I lost three years was just that, "time", but I gained a lot of knowledge that at some point in my life I will be able to take advantage of it