Discipline. We all have different opinions on the subject. Some believe in the more age-old approach of corporal punishment, while more modern parents follow the “gentle parenting” approach. In the classroom however, a set of rules needs to be put in place and these rules need to be obeyed by each and every student, no matter how they are disciplines at home – schools need to stick to set principles.
Now that a law that puts an end to corporal punishment has been set in place in most countries, teachers have had to put away their rods and rulers and are instead encouraged to come up with more creative ways of keeping order in class. In this regard, the technique that I have found to be the most effective is Positive Reinforcement. By focusing on the positive and by praising good behaviour, you’ll soon see that you will have happy and cooperative students.
Before I proceed, it is important to remember that positive reinforcement does not mean that students are not reprimanded when they misbehave. They are however recognised and appreciated when they do something good, or kind. Students, people in general actually, like to live up to expectations, steer those expectations to be positive in nature.

One way to implement a Positive Reinforcement strategy is to give “Shout Outs”.
- At the beginning or end of each class, you can mention students who have done something outstanding, or have simply stuck to the guidelines of the classroom.
- To make this method more effective, you can write the “shout outs” on special cards and hand them out to their owners. This way, parents can see the cards and build on to this positive approach even further.
- While the “Shout Out” system works well in the class environment, it is definitely a system that can be used in the family home too. As parents we are quick to pick our children out for their faults, paying less attention to the good and positive things they do.
The power of positivity goes a long way and while it may take some time for your students to get into the rhythm of things, stay persistent and keep in mind that good things come from positive actions

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