Wow, this is a great idea. Can't wait to see another stories from steemers.
This is mine:
You have to reach bottom aknowledge it and recall some forces to push you up again.
The explanaition:
If you fall into a sadness or depression you can be caught in a sad loop. It only gets worse.
When you reach bottom, it is when you notice or you tell yourself this is absurd, is when you make it all stop. You aknowledge yout pity situation and try to stop your own suffering. (the bottom is a measure that you only know)
Later you just have to motivate yourself just the enough energy to resurface.
When you achieve that is one of the greatest moments of your life. But if you fall again it can get you deeper into the void. So be corageous but be carefull also.
I just have this rollercoaster of emotions in one month. I'm in the uplifting phase, feeling the pull back to the bottom again. And I'm looking for reasons, actions and the means to get me back on track.
PD: there are no ups without the downs, so we got to enjoy all the ride.