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RE: Why are there so many angry and non-attentive children in our classrooms in 2018?

A) a post relating such positive experience from a woman discovering what she loves to do doesn't need a point! B) It is unmistakeably true what you have signalled.
As you know I 'm very much engaged in this subject through my son, and the (even worse) attention spans of children in schools catering to those with learning disabilities. However, specialised schools have more tools to cope with this alarming phenomenon of restive children (to put it mildly). Increasingly, normal schools are adopting similar methods (timers, pictogram schedules, shorter periods etc). Is there something in our (global/western) water? Is it also becoming a problem in India or China?
It isn't ONLY electro-magnetic waves and communication+sensory overload because far too large a proportion of these children really seem to have been born with ADD of one sort or another. (Maybe pregnant mothers are to blame! Yes, let's crack the whip out on mothers again, why not!) It has something to do with the sign of our times, and it reads like a "warning". We have to learn to take time and make it last longer (be bored once in a while!).


Yesssss to letting children get bored! Especially around the age of 6, I think it's so important for children to go through that experience. We can't be stimulated and active all the time--and if we seek constant stimulation, we're going to have to turn to unhealthy sources sooner or later.

Yesssss Let's keep children very young till around the age of 6/7. They are old enough already (on a much deeper level). If we would take the time to study our children instead of making them study our stuff, we'd discover their original wisdom which ultimatly is the great bearer of a happy life. This we need to stimulate, and that is done - for example - by doing a lot of knitting and cooking!

Two of my favorite things 😊

Thank you for reading my post! I'll share my thoughts and observations in my next post. I hope I don't offend people with my conclusions, but I'm in the trenches and have seen these things with my own eyes! I'm not a trained child behaviorist, but then again I have many years of experience working and observing children including my two children who are now 24 and 27 years old.