Build relationships with your students

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Hi, the educators!

In the learning process requires the interaction between educators and learners. However, a teacher should be a central figure in the classroom. That is, teachers should be able to attract student involvement by building relationships. The relationship to be done by the teacher aims to establish a sense of sympathy and mutual understanding.

There is no gap between teacher and student as the ancient paradigm assumes that the teacher is a frightening figure. Teachers should be the mentor and partner for the students. Opening communications for partnerships provides benefits to teachers and students.

Open communication will allow teachers to speak honestly and lovingly, without causing students to be defensive. It is very useful for teachers to find out the problems that students often experience, such as their learning interests, their learning achievements, or their personal lives. The students will feel comfortable to tell the problem.

Then, how do you (teachers) build relationships with students?

  • Treat students as equal human beings
  • Know what is preferred by the students, their thinking and their feelings about things that happen in their lives
  • Imagine what they say to themselves and about themselves
  • Know what prevents them from obtaining what they really want
  • Talk honestly to them, by making them hear it clearly and subtly
  • Have fun with them

Good relationships between teachers and students in the classroom will make the learning process enjoyable. Teachers feel comfortable in teaching, as well as students will feel comfortable when learning.

In some cases, we often hear about the attitude of students who are less sympathetic to their teachers. This paradigm should be changed so that the public does not regard the teacher as a rigid figure.

Teachers in modern times are teachers who are able to read the changing times. In some cases, students may more quickly understand the development of information technology than their teachers. Well, here is another important side to build relationships between teachers and students. Teachers can be actively involved in the communities they form in the virtual world.

Building relationships between teachers and students should also be done in a healthy way. There are certain limitations that both parties need to pay attention to. In a healthy relationship, we must respect each other and appreciate each other.

Further reading:

DePorter, Bobbi. Quantum Teaching. Translation Ary Nilandari. Bandung: Penerbit Kaifa. 2010


salam kenal, saya juga pendidik, salut buat abg.
saya setuju dengan tulisannya. sebaiknya kita harus memastikan peserta didik siap secara mental sebelum memberikan pengetahuan baru. kita juga sebagai pendidik (lagi) juga sebaiknya betul-betul menganggap bahwa peserta didik itu manusia, bukan robot tanpa perasaan dan tanpa lelah. semoga kita bisa menjadi pendidik yang inspiratif yah bg.
mari bersimbiosis mutualisme :)hai bg @teukumukhlis..

One of the best post ever!!!! I'm a teacher and I completely believe students learn better when they feel their teacher cares about them. I teach 6th grade English. I tell them I love them every day!!

Hi! I completely agreed with you! When the students feel you are a friend, they developed confidence and therefore they will feel more comfortable learning with you! Congrats!

You've done a great thing, @usmanzeb!

@yamilacharbone, I think so!

Thank you!

Tulisan yang sangat bagus untuk kemajuan pendidikan kita

Sudah lama saya tidak berkunjung ke sini. Sepertinya saya harus belajar menulis tentang pendikakan karena banyak peluang yang bisa saya dapatkan.

Betul, Bang. Konten pendidikan sangat berpeluang karena cakupannya sangat luas. Selamat mencoba, Bang!

a good post bg and very useful,

great post. very useful

Good article. Thanks.

"Then, how do you (teachers) build relationships with students?

Treat students as equal human beings...
Imagine what they say to themselves and about themselves...
Have fun with them"

Such incredible points. I couldn't agree more.

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