One important thing to note is that you can't 'cure' someone of dyslexia.
It's always there. It's always something that has to be managed.
We can do everything you can do, and often we can do it better, but it's just a lot harder for us sometimes.
If you know someone, or have a child with dyslexia help them. Be supportive, encouraging, forgiving. Telling them they are useless and that they know nothing, and will be nothing won't make them a better person. It won't make reading or writing easier for them.
Find out what interests them or excites them and use that you help bolster their self esteem, and address their weaknesses. It takes time and effort, but it works really well.
I know it's a lifetime condition which is too bad but I believe all what you said above. People in general don't know what it is like so they need to understand in any way possible that the child with dyslexia needs to be treated with respect. I appreciate your excellent comments and your support. Have a great day! :D