What is more important? Posting articles or participating in communities or blogs of other Steemians?
Yesterday @Onnovocks wrote "So many good posts and comments; so few upvotes." which got me thinking.
I thought about it yesterday when I was sleeping "Onnovocks is correct but what is the problem?".
After I thought enough the conclusion was quite simple: I don't write on the blogs of other people.
I participate in communities & talk with people on Discord but I rarely write on the blogs of other people which is a huge mistake.
So what can I do to start doing that? I have no damn time left in my day for other things. I have decided to stop writing my 2nd post. It doesn't generate much anyway and I will write a witness update once per week.
My posts are not in trending so people have a hard time finding me, it makes absolute sense to me to write more on other peoples blogs.
And I advise you guys to do the same, spend 30% posting and 70% to communicate with other people.
Posting every day is good, consistency is important & people will find you.
However, even more people will find you if you start writing on other peoples blogs, especially if they have trending posts where more people can see your name.
I will however only write on posts that I am truly interested in, otherwise, it won't be fun!
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Yeah i think like always, it's the good mix, that make success. I am not sure about the 70% 30% balance thou. I personally think the consistency of posts coming like teached by you is one factor to success, but every fixed rule or principle you force upon yourself also carries the risk of getting unflexible, and unflexibility leads to stagnation, anger or depression. I mean it's totally ok to do 70/30, if you adjust the level based on experience. Like I think (just my opinion) you should skip a day posting if you don't have much to say and do networking instead. Also networking leads to new interests and topics and so it leads to new content.
So if there is one of these days were you don't know what to talk about, you should do networking first/instead, also because it leads you most certain to doing a post anyways because you found something you need to talk about. To give honest feedback there are some days you make videos with 100% value and then days when I think ok he just made a video to make a video.
It's the old battle between Quality and Quantitiy. Quantity is important for being loud and getting heard, but Quality is what makes people stay and makes followers click your video because he knows this will be no waste of time. Quality in my opinion is always one step ahead of Quantity, as you build something stable and valueable, and people stay, while too much Quantity leads to more follower, who leave after a week because you are spamming videos and sometimes waste their time, so they think twice before clicking your new post and eventually unfollow when they recognize they don't even click your videos anymore and other higher quality steemians will not be shown enough in the feed.
So i think you should be more focused on quality than on your pride never to have made a mistake and doing one video per day to death because nobody can call you a liar or question your integrity.
Hey i mean do one video per day, ok its fine, but don't do two... that's way over the top. Hope i was not to rude, it's just what i think. I often like your content but when it comes to videos where people do a video to do a video and it's wating my time i get pissed, i think everybody would. Fucking spend that time networking-building relationships.
Damn dude... you almost wrote a post right here! Well done!
I'm just going to add my point of view about the quantity vs quality debate:
I had to stop making posts for almost 1 week because of exams, when i came back i had the option of doing 2 posts per day (more quantity less quality) or 1 post a daily, but a high quality one... i choose 1 post per day... second day in and got a curie upvote that was worth all the posts i didn't do... not only that but getting that curie upvote actually made my post more visible getting me new followers!
And again, really good comment, i had to grab a coffee mug to read all that!
Great post.
The best thing about commenting for me is the fact that you can really be yourself. You don't have to dick around with fancy graphics thinking I want people to love me. You just write what you think and go. What constrains you? Your typing speed, your speed of thought, your use of English (if writing in English), your knowledge of the subject? But it's so easy to rattle off a comment or two. Before breakfast, even! :D
Obviously, your comments mustn't be short generic crap - you'll get steem cleaners on your case (rightfully so). And they mustn't be too nasty, too often. In a perfect world, they'd always be positive and 'nice' but I think we all know it's not a perfect world. So, occasionally you have to disagree with arses (and let them know it). Either way, they really don't have to be perfect. A few small mistakes / faux pas are forgivable. Just beware screwing up big time (but that goes for posts, too). Blowing your foot off, reputation-wise, is never a good idea.
Thinking up new material to post can be such a ball-ache. You have news / current affairs for new stuff all the time I suppose (but others will be commenting on that) but it is tough to be original. So, when someone pulls it off and does something original that you approve of, they've done the hard part for you. You can add to their post. Improve it, even, without being silly here, of course, just by helping the conversation take off. Adding fuel to the fire that is Steemit! ;)
I'm guessing I'm on about 1% posts, 99% comments, partly because I'm a little lazy but largely because I agree with your comments on networking which I've noted elsewhere in the past.
When I have enough followers (and good comments on the blogs of distinguished ;) posters certainly should help here as you do say, yourself) that's probably when I'll go into overdrive posting my treatise on beetles. There's thought to be a million species of them and they can't be too difficult to photograph. Not that I'll be hunting every species down.
Now to read the other comments. It'd be wrong not to....
Some nice gems in your comment Zool, the comments of the people of my posts get better and better and I am proud of that, you are doing better than me in that regard.
Not upvoting comments like yours makes me feel like an ass. You guys are comment Vikings, coming to my blog to pillage upvotes.
Glad to read that you are honest too, having honest people around is awesome because they give you good feedback.
Thanks for the compliments and I guess we all play the game, don't we? ;)
We do & it is a love-hate relationship.
Steemit is a social/blogging platform, you've been doing the blogging part pretty well, maybe you could switch around one of the daily posts to something else like dmania, zapple, etc...
Regarding the part about communicating, i think it's very important! i do 1 daily post because the rest of the time i'm communicating with other steemians, if i didn't do this i would have never found steemschool, steemstem, etc...etc...
Some of my best followers and upvoters are people that i check their daily content...
So, all in all, i think you are right, you should focus more on communicating, especially now that you are a witness!
You've been trying to get witness upvotes from other people by asking them for it, but if you have commented for a long ass time and provided good content everytime you can sooner or later mention that you are a witness and they would upvote you! Not only that but getting yourself and your opinions on other people's posts should make you more visible and get more witness votes, especially if you do good long comments that whales and witnesses might see!!
Also, when you see other people's posts and comments you might get ideas for new posts!!! maybe you disagree with the poster's opinions, maybe you agree but want to add something, etc... etc... just be carefull when you disagree with someone's opinions, you know pretty well how "aggressive" you can be sometimes and how butthurt people can get when you go full Philip on them xD
I'll keep my comment short, mainly because most of the other comments you got already said enough
I agree with everything.
Bruh did you look at your comment?
Personally, i do more of commenting and interacting with blog owners than posting. This has a way of building bridges and forming relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.
Your blog iss one of my favourite and this is because there is no timee i read from you i dont learn one or two things. Keep it up.
Thank you factism.
Commenting when you don't post doesn't work, yeah you get upvotes, but the goal is to form relationships with people so that you interact & work together on a regular basis.
How long's a piece of string, eh?
What's the correct balance?
When you're new to the site, you have zero followers. 100 posts or 100 comments? Or something in between?
You're a whale and have a million followers. 100 posts or 100 comments? Or something in between?
The point I'm trying to make is, it's horses for courses, surely, isn't it? That is, the user should do the strategy that will work best for him at that particular time.
In the first scenario, all-out commenting makes a lot of sense to me. Second scenario, all-out posting (and replies to comments to keep your followers onside) makes a lot of sense, also.
Ultimately, it's probably best to keep an open mind and experiment. If you're not quite running with perfect optimisation, it needn't be the biggest thing in the world if you're still trying to get close.
We all have different goals, after all, don't we? (And there's nothing wrong with that.)
Well great, you guys force me to write comments today, already spent an hour answering the comments on this post here.
Agree with experimenting! Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insane.
Besides that I like commenting, you do not need to add any graphics, videos or keep a structure, you can just write away, Steem is way more fun like that.
Writing 2 posts per day can be life-draining.
We knew you'd come round to our way of thinking in the end. ;)
Thank you for the admonishment, i do post often until some days ago tat i decided to work on my postings so as to bring more quality ones even if its not more than one per day.
If you check my blog, you will notice i usually ot more than once a day, i later realise from one of your posts that it pays to give quality than quantity, which is what i am working on.
I should resume posting in a day or two but this time of quality.
This post sums up my discussions with a friend just yesterday. I was trying to find the dynamic behind the success of bloggers here both new and long time bloggers. I was not too happy that after spending hours writing a good post, no one to upvote it. Many are not even seeing it. Besides, I expressed my worry about the fact that many people with high voting power are a bit stingy with their vote. A founder of a discord group I belong once said, "I don't vote people except leaders in the group." These leaders are those who also bring many people into the discord group. So, it means that new comers are on their own. How can newcomers remain on the platform when they don't have encouragement needed to do more? I wondered! Therefore, @valorforfreedom the solution is just what you stated in your post. making comment is the key.
There is no other way to get known and be followed here than commenting on post - good post though. The more they see of you, the more the likelihood of reward for your effort. Lest I forget,
I must commend you @valorforfreedom for being generous by rewarding people posts and comments on your post. You are doing great to encourage everyone and this will be reciprocated to you too. Thanks!
Good comment Dceroo.
You gotta get your name out there so people can find you.
Writing posts is not enough.
I have been thinking about this since you mentioned it when we were talking yesterday, because after I listened into MSP Waves The Resteem Radio Show with @ma1neevent and @poeticsnake for the first time, and it was excellent.
There was great interaction in the text section and I found out, for example, about a cryptocurrency event in London in a couple of weeks, that lots of Steemians are planning to go too, which I might try to attend because it would be great to put faces to Steemit names.
There are plenty of radio shows and opportunities to get in front of lots of people at once, which I think would be a great strategy too.
Commenting opens doors for sure, but doing radio shows and things like PYPT could open floodgates too.
I will have to see how my appearance on a radio show goes tonight and come back and let you know.
I agree so much with you, participating in ACTIVE Discord communities can result in a lot of new followers!
Networking = Commenting, Participating in Steemit events, writing in Steemit Discord communities, using the Steem Chat & talking with individuals.
I like the idea of interacting here on Steemit since we are a worldwide community. I've met some great people from Europe (you!), New Zealand, Canada and so many more places. Commenting is a great way to meet more and reading comments helps me find like minded people too.
I agree with that Peggy.
The funny thing is that I've been doing this, posting every day and commenting and upvoting on other posts, which I started doing based on something YOU said like three months ago.
So yeah -thanks again. Good advice as always, Philip. ;-)
I am getting schooled by you guys today.
I agree. I spend most of my time reading other people's blogs. I find it interesting and eventually it becomes profitable because people begin to notice. That's how I found you after all lol.
Sounds very good CFL, I will do the same! But first I have to find authors that write about what I love. Black metal, lifting weights, Vikings, nature, witnessing & norse mythology.
There it will be fun to comment.
that's a lot to ask for on such a young platform lol. I just try to support people who are trying to find their voice, trying new things and trying hard. Its been fun that way too.
I can't write great comments if I don't care about the subject, it feels forced and that ain't no fun for me.
Sure advise to follow but how many. How many comments would you advise have to make in a day? As you said make 1 post everyday
That depends on how much time you have.
If you have 3 hours to write comments then go for it.
a think am 20% on my blog and 80% on comments its a lot of shit but its so easy to spot it. am small but just last week a got 20% increase in followers and a think is 90% from comments. my blog is mainly just fore me atm. and my comments are where a make may SP and find a lot of good friends in the process
A daily high quality post + writing awesome comments = Follower rush
Thanks for the post, I've been focusing on more commenting and have had some great interactions. It's disheartening to put so much effort into posts and get so little views/interactions but I shall continue!
#Minnow life
The damn minnow life mate, I share your pain.
Thanks brother!
following you now!
commenting is so important for a steemian if you want to be noticed actually the more comments the more followers and the higher your reputation goes up . Honestly every time i take a day off without posting and am looking out at other people's posts my reputation moves up
I fore went that too commenting sometimes has more money than the posts we . i love making new friends and commenting on other people is posts is the way to go actually every time I take time to read the good content it makes me feel great
Thanks @valorforfreedom
Even more confirmation that commenting has more worth than posting, thank you for your insights Irene!
Am Humbled @valorforfreedom
Both has worked for me. I'm approaching a month old on steemit. I read and comment on other blogs and post good content imho. Both works.
Yeah both works! Combine it and Steemians will have a hard time not following you.
Spot on @valorforfreedom and thank you for confirming my thoughts. Being new on this platform, I have been finding that aside from posting my content whicb does not get alot of coverage, it was better to interact with people on their blogs. In that way i am learning new things daily and meeting new talented people - I met another creative person @agmoore, a few minutes ago which is great!I
You must post every day, but for people to find your content you also have to write comments.
That is just how it is.
True words, true words.
I observed this by myself also.
I would call myself someone who provides quality content I think a look on my blog profs that.
But I learned that quality posts are not enough. The engagement with others is in my opinion much more important for the long run. I can agree with you message here.
Good to know that you agree with me.
I already feel like my efforts for networking resulted in more followers than by posting only.
I believe that.
I made the experience that networking is one big key. And I would weight it heavier than posting everytime. By the way you are german right?
Yeah me too.
Order besser gesagt ich auch ^^
Freut much define Bekanntschaft zu machen.
Yes, I am German.
WARNING! The comment below by @miky leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.
Muted that trash anyway.
nice post @valorforfreedom i like your
post. thanks for sharing post
SO.... I learn something new here. The point is to make comment on other post and try to communicate. Thanks. Will try this, although I don't know it will succed.
In any case, to comment on other people's posts - it's good! Write all indiscriminately - not necessary! Writing comment in another post, we support this post! So to comment you need only a good, useful and interesting posts!
as you can see, I always upvote your blogs. :^D
it's not because of the money, but because of the knowledge that I earn in the blogs and videos you share to us, can't believe after I absorb your advice, I develop my social and openness to the steemit community, I sincerely thankful for that. keep on posting good values my friend! you really deserved my witness voting point
Great advice! I am new here and love to read and comment on good articles, such as this one. I do not understand all of the self-promotion that I find in a lot of the comments though.
Good grace! One video every day? That must be exhausting! How do you even find the time to do that? My goal is to get one video per week and even that seems quite a lot. I haven't even gotten to the filming phase, let alone editing. I'm still in my scripting phase. I learned that it's best to create videos in a batch and then to release them one by one. It gives you the opportunity to really think out your videos and to plan accordingly in your editorial calendar.