Firstly, I am amazed at your ability to describe something without explaining it. This post is essentially a long dictionary definition.
Second, you write/type/spell, very poorly for someone calling himself "The Science Guy"
Third, what was the point of this post? It seems to start and finish in the middle of a discussion.
I think it is always good to have some comments as people who work in science (like me), might set the "common ground" a bit high, and general public may get lost easily. Yet, it really depends on your target audience.
As a chemist, I think the sentence "A carbon atom has a unique property of linking with other carbon atoms. This self-linking property of carbon is called catenation." point out the whole idea of the post.
Meanwhile, for general audience in steemit(which might have no science background), it is very likely for them have no idea what is multiple bonds, covalent bonds, tetravalency. And "enthalpy" is definitely too heavy for the general audience.
It is always challenging to explain things really fundamental. I would suggest making the post slightly longer with more explanations, with the use of examples to illustrate your ideas as well as pictures! Feel free to tell me if there are any more suggestions, I am always happy to learn and deliver ideas more effectively :D
Good luck !!
This post is targeted for general audience. In the course of writing post, I forgot this "common ground" thing and used heavy words. In future, I will try to explain in detail and proof read the post before posting in steemit.
Your suggestions are valuable to me. Thank you so much sir for your suggestions.
I am sorry that I did not explain well.
I am wanna be scienceguy
The point is that catenation is property due to which there are large number of organic compounds
Just curious, what is your native language?
Maybe knowing that would help me understand what you are trying to say.
Okay I got your point.
Thank you so much.
I had not realized that fact.