Congrats to everyone featured here and great job running this community! To my fiends, err i mean friends @maverickinvictus and @tpkidkai, kudos to you guys for being such good role models to your fellow steemians and also a huge thanks for introducing me to the Ohana family and for helping with the promo-mentors community! You guys are true examples of how a true steemian should be! I hope this message will stop you guys from bullying me anymore lol
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Hmmm... the programming of the A.I. Tp doesn't accept the command of not bullying you. I was designed for that unless there will be a major formatting. Mama is the creator of the said A.I. hence you already know how strict she is. Another spanking bro?
Haha I know that I threatened you to leave a comment on this but that is appreciated. It is always been a pleasure
bullyinghaving you with us you are truly an awesome fiend too!-Tp
We promise to just use you as tribute 5 days a week to Whalebot and not everyday hahahaha.
Thanks Andy. This was a labor of love and we are happy to celebrate the uniqueness of people.