
Thanks @simplymike.

Take s look at the last post @newbiegames made

Do you mean this post? It's not obvious to me what the result of sharing a score is but if it appears as a blog post written by me then it's not something I would want to do. 😁

I noticed too late that you were indeed replying to this post.
I wouldn't share them on my own personal account either.
They're kind of messy, by the way, I had a lot of fixing up to do tomake it look a little decent.

Now, because this is the @newbiegames account, I thought I could post some scores. It lets our members know there afe games to play, it's a promotion for the site that hosts the game, and I think it has been a long time since we erned more than $1 for a post. Lol

I wouldn't share them on my own personal account either.

Ah good. That's good to hear @simplymike. We're of the same mind then. 😁

It would be another distraction anyway. I need to get my head around the Steem Monsters set up before play starts but they keep adding cards and changing the rules!

I'm more lost than ever now. 😂

Me too. Dave was ldarning me the basics, but I havdn't heared from him in dzys. Maybe I should do a post on what I know so far - which would be a summery of Dave's posts and the few things he told me on Discord

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven't read his last tutorial yet after getting completely confused with all the information in the third one. And now there are even more moving parts and some of the original ones have been changed.

I'm hoping it will be easier once we can play some games. I'm hoping I will be able to learn by trial and error rather than trying to work it out in my head. There is just too much information for me to be able to handle.

A summary post sounds good. That would probably be a good idea for me too but I don't have the energy for it at the moment.

What part of the world are you in?

In Belgium. I didn't read the the third one either, because I was still wrapping my head around the first two, lol.
Moving parts?? Ehm???

Dave explained me on Discord how to pick a team, and if I got it right, we're going to use the newbiegames account to practice. But like I said, it has been a while since I heard from him

Posted using Partiko Android

I was still wrapping my head around the first two

I just checked and see I was getting ahead of myself. I didn't get any further than the first two either.

Maybe Dave is busy battling. I saw his name come up a few times on Discord yesterday.

I think I'm going to have to go back to Lesson 1 and hope the game hasn't changed too much since Dave wrote it.