Hey guys! I have missed you! This post is a mish mash of a little music and a little heart-to-heart, sharing with you why I've been gone for the last week. Last Saturday I had the distinct pleasure of being part of Meadows & Makers Ep. #8. However, shortly thereafter, I was struck with one of my dreaded hemiplegic migraines. Most people associate migraines with extreme pain, sensitivuty to light & nausea, but I don't get those symptoms, at least, not usually.
Hemiplegic migraines are more stroke-like in their symptoms. For me, it looks like this:
- Disorientation creeps in
- Numbness in my left hand, sometimes foot and tongue
- Disturbances in vision- usually small pixelated squiggles in my peripheral vision, although this week the disturbance was right in the center of my vision, which for all intensive purposes left me blinded.
- Impaired brain function where I can not access the part of my brain that processes speech and vocabulary. This means I cannot comprehend that which is being communicated to me, nor can I properly communicate my own thoughts/ feelings. I forget the words that I wish to use. For example, in the midst of a hemiplegic migraine, the word "disoriented" always leaves me.
- Severe exhaustion for the next 24 +hours.
And I just learned that these migraines can result in memory loss that can last for anywhere from hours to months, or even be permanent.
So, now you know what a hemiplegic migraine is. I am quite fortunate in that I will often go months or even a year or two without one, but sometimes will have a couple in a short span. Usually they seem to be triggered by stress, but this time I was eating right working out, feeling really good and unstressed, HOWEVER, I've been really bad about getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Since discovering Steem, I use my spare time to catch up on creating and editing.
After suffering from two migraines back to back this week, I forced myself to slow down and rest. I realize that I can not keep up the pace at which I was going. I am not giving up on the platform, but I need to figure out a way to be more efficient with my time so that I can practice better self care.
I want to thank @Steemitmamas for all the kind words and support and am really looking forward to getting back to some posting and commenting. Please feel free to share below if you have any experience with these type of migraines or if you have any questions.

▶️ DTube
They sound awful :(
It's so easy for us to over do it sometimes. Take it easy & i hope they stay away!! X
I do suffer from migraines with the first described symptoms, that is horrible as is.
What you are going through though, holy shoestring, that's sound dreadful & really scary.
I am happy you feel better & decided to take it easy <3
Be safe & take care you power woman!
Much love, respect & huggins are making their way from Germany to you <3Oh my @crowbarmama! I am sorry you have to deal with this.
My pleasure <3
I totally hear you on the taking it easy thing, not that easy.
See, I am working on finding my balance as well...
As you said, life is about experiences, with them we grow <3
Looking forward to our chat ;)
Oh my goodness @crowbarmama these migrianes sound scary! I hope you take some time to de-stress a bit. (although raising kids makes that impossible right?) Take care my friend!
Take care @crowbarmama
Hey take care @ crowbarmama! I have found the same dilemma of spending to much time on Steemit, although I really want to share my knowledge to keep it alive and Steemit is wonderful for that. Have you ever tried SteemPeak.com so you can schedule your posts and make up templates with banners on them etc. to save time. I'm just getting into it, using it for my simpler posts until I get more familiar with it.
howdy there crowbarmama! wow, I've never heard of this condition before besides the more common migraines. But if you stay rested up that will keep them from coming back? God bless you guys!
offcourse your absence is not something we just dont notice or that we forget ....we support untill you are back.
welcome back dear!
Uffda. Take care of yourself!
Hey Mama I get very bad headaches as well. I know it is not exactly the same but I can totally understand how awful it can be. I hope you are much better now. Talk soon Mama!
hope you are well and have gotten better! look forward to your content when you post it!