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RE: Slowly Releasing the Grip

in #steemitmamas5 years ago

Whenever I hear those mad stories about parents getting in trouble for letting their kids walk to school, or another parent calls CPS because their kids were playing ON THE BLOCK, I'm like ...where did those paranoid people calling CPS grow up?? Surely their parents weren't THAT helicopter, were they? O.o So that's another weird thing to factor in nowadays - how off the charts are the neighbors, instead of being able to depend on each other for help! I don't understand that mentality at all.


I sooo agree! It’s just the opposite now . Instead of relying on neighbors it’s almost like you have to keep your business to yourself. I don’t understand it either. It’s so sad when you can’t depend on your neighbors.

Yep. I hate that mentality. Like sometimes I like the site NextDoor, because you see people helping each other, but then you also see petty judgemental nonsense, and I lose all hope for humanity. LOL