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RE: What is your worst fear as a parent? @steemitmamas contest week 1 entry.

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

metzli . As soon as i started to get cracks in my health from always working for the cash we/she could spend , she engineered a live for herself and the kids without me . It was easy to poison the mind of my kids against me as i am a honest free thinking free living man , the masses avoid me and the government want's me dead . Lisa 17 and Mike 19 , i didn't see speak or heard from them for over 3.5 years now . False accusations like , he may have hit me , and meetings to talk and solve ongoing problems where rigged ambushes with people from a to my ex befriended fightclub always near and ready . As i am no fool i knew it al upfront enough to take care of my safety . As i am not allowed to carry any kind of weapon where i live i used freedom of speech , making sense and some friends to get both sides unharmed true these never ever problem solving meetings . With my kids it seems like only i remember al the adventures we had before there mom wanted to see me dead . I know karma can kill , it's not what i want , i pray to karma to spare my ex , i wish her well , i ones loved her , let karma be the seeds i planted in the minds of my children so one day they will remember me . I thank you for your kind reply .


I’m sorry to hear that. I tend to live in a fairy tail land where loving your children enough means that everything comes out ok.

Best wishes to you and your family, may resolution come quickly.