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RE: SteemitMamas Write Along Overview

in #steemitmamas7 years ago

Day 5: Will be fun. We will have a tutorial teaching you how to use the bot and any song will be welcome. There should also be lots of mamas online helping you along.

Day 12: Will be about sharing some of the work you read here on steemit. There will also be instructions but I am aiming to make it as easy as: This is what I like to read on steemit. I guess that's the challenge. Sharing your "favorites."

Day 24: We will have a tutorial that day too. We are bloggers but we work with money, let's know how our money works! You can. And hopefully will.

Day 30: Maybe it will be difficult? IDK. Maybe you give great advice? There will be more direction on that day, and a few questions included that you can try to give advice about.

Hope that helps, and hope you join us.