SteemitPhotoChallenge - Columbine(Aquilegia vulgaris)

Hello friends!

Columbine is a perennial plant, very easy to cultivate, originating in Asia and naturalized in Europe.
DSC_8940.jpg This is my first entry in SteemitPhotoChallenge hosted by @jamtaylor. The theme is Flowers. I chose a beautiful flower that I really like- Columbine

Exif info: Nikon D5200. Sigma 105mm, f4.5, 1/125sec ISO100


Exif info: Nikon D5200 , Sigma 17- 55mm, f2.8, 1/125sec ISO100, focal lenght 50mm


What a beautiful delicate little flower!

Thank you Erika! Flowers are always beautiful!

I agree :)

good to see you here on steemit ! good luck in the competition

Thank you very much! I'm glad to be here and see old friends!

Great pics Ileana, I love columbines, they look so elegant!

Thank you, Helena! They are really beautiful. As far as I know, in Romania( my country) they are protected flowers!

Exquisitely beautiful flowers @ileana56 Great photos.

Thank you, Trudee! As I said before, flowers are always beautiful! :)


This shade of pink Columbines is very visually appealing @ileana56 I've only seen them is purple, yellow, orange red and white. Love your photos! I recognize you from Niume!😀Welcome!!!

Thank you, @ninahaskin! Nice to see you again! I am a little lost here but... I hope to do my best! :)

Continue to post your beautiful original content photography and things will fall into place!💕

Pur și simplu superb!

Multumesc mult!

i think it would had worked more editing in photoshop, but as the picture is shot, great job.

I don't use Ps to edit my photos.