
Hey thanks! I usually use aperture priority at like f8-11 or so. I set ISO to the lowest setting, and since the lens is closed up at that aperture, you will need to rest the camera on something or use a tripod. I love to use a graduated neutral density filter. They are basically a piece of clear plastic or glass that is clear on the bottom and then fades to dark at the top that you put in front of your lens.. For sunsets, it helps even out the light so that the foreground and the sun are more evenly lit and is more similar to how you see it in person. A wide angle lens is a plus too. I have a Sigma 10-20. Its ok, but not the best. Hope this helps.

Thank you for the information. The Aperture will automatically set the time and second.. if we do not have tripod, then we have to hold it, any technique of not to have blurring shots without tripod. ?

Yes, the camera will calculate the shutter speed. If you are shooting into the sun you wont need a tripod. It will be a fast shutter speed. But after sunset, when the light is really killer and sometimes dark, without a tripod you can lean your body aginst something take a deep breath in and pull the trigger on the exhale. Elbows in,