Oh jeez. Someone noticed :P
I thought about it but looking at every entry and trying to figure out how to rank them is actually harder than it sounds. Then trying to explain why I like them would be another long process for me. I wanted to get the results out to @jamtaylor as soon as I could after procrastinating a bit on sorting them.
Since the first time I entered on a SPC that I would like to know what were the main positive aspects of the winner photos as I'm not a photographer and only have basic knowledge on that. I totally understand the amount of work involved in SPC, as they are many many entries every week. I'm not sure if it would be possible to have different judges (guest judges) for this SPC like on Steemit Culinary Challenge (just wondering...)
Guest judges are regular. I was the guest judge for this one and (one of them) for the original shadows one too!
ups, my fault, I misunderstood! I thought you've been always the judge! Actually, I never paid attention to the judges on SPC, but now I will! :)