Hey, you've piqued my interest about spiders, too! That one is actually really cute. Maybe getting closer will minimize the fear - not a bad thing. Wouldn't that be interesting, if photography proved able to cure phobias, haha! I'll look into extension tubes. I really love macro and experimenting with random subjects/textures.
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Well, in all seriousness it's made my fear of heights easier to bear - some of the time! Spiders is the other big one. The disconcerting thing about the jumping spiders, though, is that while they're all cute and everything, they do jump.
well then you would get a really MACRO shot hahaha! Hmm...maybe photography will help cure my fear of heights, who knows. I've done some pretty daring things to capture good shots. Come to think of it, I once stood in a pretty dangerous place in order to snap photos of Houston at night. So much so that the hotel guard came up to me and asked me to get down lol.. Yeah, I don't know..never thought of it. I suppose it could go both ways: get over fear, or become too fearless/foolish?
I have a significant buffer between fear and unsafety, but you do have to be careful not to let the photos become so important in your mind that you take any real risks. It's not worth it, and in many cases it's REALLY not worth, but when you're at a place and just need to get closer to the edge to change the angle a bit, it can seem worthwhile.
Yeah, good point. I'll see how my own experience with this unfolds in the near future, as I plan to travel for photography (which will be a first for me). I'll have to remember your wise words! ;)