Blurry or out of focus? What I love about true macros without flash is the very limited depth of field you get. So, only one small area is in focus and the rest is dreamy and soft. If I had used a flash in this shot, I could have made everything in focus, but I think it would have been a very boring shot!
Blurry or out of focus? What I love about true macros without flash is the very limited depth of field you get. So, only one small area is in focus and the rest is dreamy and soft. If I had used a flash in this shot, I could have made everything in focus, but I think it would have been a very boring shot!
I shake alot,thank's for the tip!
Flash would work for you then, or making sure you are shooting at something like 1/400 of a second if you are able to choose settings on your camera.
Thank you ,photo's looked so simple till I started doing it!
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