Helpful! Starting to think now what items should I loan hahaha! Saving your link for future use. You may probably have some loans there that would involve sending the funds to coinsph. If so then please post it as well. I love how you posted the turn-around time, and detailed step by step process to apply. Keep it up.
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Thank you Sir!😊 yeah I forgot to include the payment method, I can't stop thinking what I missed after hitting Post. You can pay through BPI, BDO (mobile app or over-the-counter transactions) and you are correct on the other one, they also have the method. I haven't tried that one though, I always use the BPI mobile app since its more convenient for me. After this paying this one, I am also hunting for new items too!😂
Hello Kyliana, how was the process so far? were you able to receive the items already? Please make a follow up post on this one, I do encourage you :)
What are the requirements that you need to submit, the turn around time by lazada delivery and all the pertinent details that you forgot to post. You may actually save the steemit link of that post and let other people find out about this lending process later on. The more number of views that you have, the more chances of people inviting to steemit and letting them follow you.