SteemitREVIEW - Top 10 last week in abuse

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Category: abuse

You have experienced gaslighting

Place - 1
Votes - 297
Author - @honeyscribe

It's too late now to say sorry

Place - 2
Votes - 281
Author - @honeyscribe

Somebody needs to teach me how to dance

Place - 3
Votes - 271
Author - @honeyscribe

I will get to the top of my mountain

Place - 4
Votes - 268
Author - @honeyscribe

Why is taking care of myself the last actionable item on my list?

Place - 5
Votes - 263
Author - @honeyscribe

Forgiving does not mean forgetting

Place - 6
Votes - 239
Author - @honeyscribe

Choosing My Voice

Place - 7
Votes - 230
Author - @perspective

ABUSED.., and misused

Place - 8
Votes - 211
Author - @macksby

Just Thought of Something That Could be Used as The Next Xploit

Place - 9
Votes - 54
Author - @skeptic

Let's be clear. My rules for flagging posts.

Place - 10
Votes - 45
Author - @dgiors



Doesn't it seem odd to you that the top 6 posts are all from the same person?

You don't seem to be aware of the rigged upvoting for popularity by some whales... You put 1 person as holding place 1-7. Yes, perspective is the same person as honeyscribe. They even used to pretend to talk to each other.

Better upvote before they DV you.@krnel