
You'd love the Heart Attack Grill in Vegas!!! haha Hope you and yours are well friend, finally on here again!

Glad to have you back😊 I've seen the grill of which you speak, I'll take my simple indulgences without the sideshow, love me a greasy spoon, but that place seems too dirty even for me.

Haha yes that place is crazy! Stick of butter in a milkshake????
I'd take your egg and pepper jelly goodness anyday :)

I spy pepper jelly! I just literally picked up a jar of Tabasco's line from Sprouts too, with the same idea of slathering it all over cheese and crackers. If you've got some brie in your fridge, give it a try --- sooo yummy. Anyway, this breakfast sandwich is A+ and sounds very delicioso!!! And, since I've got all the ingredients, I'm making your recipe tomorrow morning. :-)

Enjoy. It truly is a simple and delicious combination. Definitely mix it with Brie next time I get a wheel.

Ahh watching those yolks fly! I was on the edge of my seat. And that you named this sandwich 'the kiss'. all of this just kills me. great work buddy :)

I was tempted to trim the video down to just the flip, but the set up slide is all part of the process. Kiss = Keep It Simple Stupid. Glad you dig it.

How smart to use photo recipe - Photo speaks a thousand words. This is awesome, if you asked me!!!

I always value your opinion, I can never compete truly with your creations, so I must resort to cheap parlour tricks😊

Haha - BTW, love your Canada 150 T-Shirt!!!

Union gave us all one. Being a union carpenter has been great for my wardrobe.

Flipping those eggs like a boss.

Sexiest slomo eva'

I don't know I have seen some pretty sexy slowmos in my day.

I believe they prefer the term slomosexual.

Oh...Damn this PC culture! Damn all the arty-lib--tards and their multiple slomo tittles. Damn them all. We are going to hell very slowly ...very very slowly but we are getting there my friend. lol

very nice is that chilli or tomato sauce?

Red Pepper Jelly from the local farmers market, nice tang, little heat.

Haha that egg flip was amazing, very masterful! Din't even break a yolk!

Love it. Simple and probably your most beautiful looking entry yet. Not that I didn't enjoy your sloppy Manwiches equally!

A homage to a former art teacher who's motto was KISS, keep it simple stupid. Sometimes we try to over complicate things, this was a stripped down version of my regular sandwich escapades.

And I flip like a boss when my pans on fleek.

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