Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 35
THEMED WEEK: "Use 1 ingredient you have never used before"
Updates from jaybird
Get Hungry, Get Creative!
Submit any Kind of Sandwich Whether It's a Classic or Original Creation!
What is Steemit Sandwich Contest?
Submit it before the Monday @ 11:59PM Deadline (Contest Runs: Tuesday 3PM -> Monday @ 11:59PM EST).
- Title Must First Say: "Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #" (whatever the week # is)
- First Tag Must Be: #steemitsandwichcontest
- Must Validate Your Entry: At least 1 photo depicting both your sandwich and, a sign that clearly shows the contest week # you are entering (in the same photo/sign must be physical). [WEEK 3 for example]
- Must List Ingredients: Somehow mention the ingredients used in your Steemit Sandwich Contest entry
- 1 Photo Minimum: 1 photo minimum (must have validating sign)
- Must Put A Link To Your Post In The Comments: Pasting a glamour shot of your entry in the comment may also help distinguish your post
- Sandwich Name & Additional Info: are Optional
- Entries which do not follow the rules outlined will be considered null. [THIS IS A TRAGEDY!]
E-mail Notifications Sign Up!
E-mails will be sent courtesy of me @jaybird for the Steemit Sandwich Contest in order to notify participants when a new contest post is up once per week! Please sign up via the link below to stay in the loop! Email address will never be used for anything other than Steemit Sandwich Contest!
SCC is featured on this amazing website which compiles all the coolest Steemit Challanges
A very special thanks to our week 34 contestants! Many of you have been entering since Week 1 and I very much appreciate your participation and your level of enthusiasm, creativity and sense of humour for this contest!
A very big shout out to all our supporters and especially our Sponsors and Donors who are crucial in upping the prize pool each week.
Week 35 Sponsor(s): @jaybird
I will be selecting the winner based on a variety of parameters. Just do your thing and have fun with it. I'm considering many factors such as presentation, ingredients & originality, creativity, community opinion & artistic ability just to name a few. PLEASE make sure to follow the rules! They are easy to follow and help prevent the tragedy of Null entries!
There are now 6 prizes. First Prize = Roughly 50% of the prize pool collected
Second Prize dubbed the "Veto Vote" = Roughly 30% of the prize pool collected + the honour of selecting the following weeks second prize winner. This prize is ideally given to an entry that although it did not win the contest, showed distinction among all the other entries. This could be a feature such as it was the community favourite, it used the most bizarre ingredients, or, it was just the best looking sandwich etc. IMPORTANT! The "Veto Vote" holder may not vote on his or her own sandwich to be selected as the second prize. However, they are still eligible to win First Prize should they enter the contest that week.
Third Prize Roughly 15% of the prize pool selected by either @jaybird or a guest judge.
Fourth/Fifth/6th Prize total Roughly 5% of the prize pool selected by @ jaybird for SSC "outstanding achievement"
Week 35's Veto Voter is TBD. Thank you for your participation!
IMPORTANT! "Veto Vote" holders must always present their final selection to @jaybird in confidence and allow the news to be revealed in an officially "Who Won Steemit Sandwich Contest" blog post. Deviation from this method will result in a forfeit of the Veto Vote and thus, the selection will be consider null and a new winner will be chosen by @jaybird.
Veto Voters can contact @jaybird through steemchat or discord jaybird#4732 or, an e-mail address will be provided to communicate. If for whatever reasons, the Veto Vote winner does not select an entry in the following weeks contest, I will be the default second prize selector for that week.
Just want to extend some serious gratitude to all of you for these electric entries! Holy shit these sandwiches are impressive!
I often think that themed weeks might discourage some of our participants, however, it's really shown to be quite the opposite.
Keep up the great work ppl!
Here is my first sandwich - Japanese Inspired Tea Sandwich with Stuffed Kiwi & Blackberries (ingredients I have never used before):
this looks amazing, it also has thai influence too coz you used coconut milk for the rice. love that matcha latte.
Here is my last sandwich of the week and Greek Yoghurt is the new ingredient I used:
Sea meet land
My entry for this week:
Po-ta-to or po-Tay-to
This is really porky!!
Dude, quality entry!
You might wana fix ur imagine, it's not showing up in this comment or in your entry (at least for me anyway). PPl should see this beauty!
do you mean my image in both my actual post and the comment?
Ya for me there was no image in the’s a beauty of a sandwich so thought u might wana show it off is all
How about now?
Yup I see that now!
My first entry - Boozy Nice Cream Sandwich Lolly

You should use the steemit link for these entries IMO, anyone who isn't signed on to busy cannot upvote ya without first going to your blog and then finding your SSC post ;)
Thank you @jaybird, I fixed it! Appreciate your help!
and another addiction online

My 3rd entry with 2 ingredients never used before: Almost Vegetarian
The Creamed Angleworms On Toast Sandwich

My entry: The Thanksgiving Sandwich

My Second Entry - Smoked Mackerel Sandwich Pops

Holy Mackerel ! ;)
Haha very clever @jaybird :):)
My second entry: Mexican Beenz
third and last one for this week.. the zingy tuna.
My Entry Omleted Bananas Sandwich:
Here's my entry - caramelized onion black bean burger sandwich:
and here we go to kill some weed... ;)

Here we go again, week no.2 for me :)....squid ink bun and squid in a sandwich....sounds wierd, but trust me, it turned out delicious!!!! enjoy :)
Hi. Here my second entry. @saimondonato.❤🍍🍞🍔
Hi. here my entrance. @saimondonato
Week 35 entry
Anyone finding for a replacement for bread? I think I found one delicious one :)
Here is my entry for week #35.
Hi! so excited to enter this week with validation sign and completed all the rules so hopefully i can be considered for this one :)
Who would ever though fruits could end up in sandwiches!!
Here comes the Chimichurriiiiiii
Something different
Headed to the grocery store this Friday. I have no idea what my secret ingredient will be. I can't think off the top of my head what I have not tried or eaten....and then put it in a sandwich! Oh my!
OK, I think I am confused...and it doesn't take much! LOL! Is the theme an ingredient we have never used before OR an ingredient that we have never used in a sandwich before?
I also wondered, @jaybird's response makes it much easier!
Good question. i intended it to be something u never used before.
However, either 1 i suppose is fine. I mean none of us really know whether or not some1 has actually used something before or not lol. Sooo take the challenge however u want to take it ~
@jaybird I guess this themed week is about an ingredient never used before on SSC, not ever right ?
Would it make sense to you to have 2 SSC contests ? SSC Pro and SSC Amateur ?
There is a clear difference between entries here...
Either or.. it depends on how u want to challenege urself. Ppl seemed to be doing both lol.
And sure there is a huge difference among the participants. That’s what i believe is so great about SSC. The variety of ppl from different places form different cultures interested in different things and of all skill levels bonding over their love of sandwiches :)
And i think ppl know by now that it’s not always the best looking sandwich that wins! I take a lot of factors into consideration each week and it’s always a very difficult process selecting winners!
Definitely up for this challenge, bought my secret ingredient but still have to formulate a plan on what to do with it :)
Start the game, this comes good hahahaha
@mushorama, I dare you!!!! Bwahahaha....
@Jaybird, what a great contest!!! I mean, who the hell doesn't love sandwiches?? this is gonnnna be fuuunnn :)
it looks so delicious.
good luck always accompany you until I feel hungry to see your post @jaybird 😀
mines a BLT