New users are looking for ways to get rich overnight, this is a time of quick wages and a new world in which digital rules are governed. New skills and knowledge raise the level of gambling style, we are the pioneers of the new world in which digital currencies take over domination in the world market. Steemit is a project with incredible potential, has merged two revolutionary ideas into one functional entity that brings new quality and dimension of success. People have two different gigs on Steemit, one is a social network that brings people together into one wonderful community, the other part of the story is based on digital currencies, investments and business logic. If you promote Steemit as a business to your friends then you have potential problems, the first thing your friends will ask is how much money did you earn from Steemit? The first rule is that you need to become an example because people generally believe in the results and not the stories. If you tell your friends that Steemit is a social network with wonderful opportunities where they can learn many great things from all areas of life, then this is a different approach and in my opinion faster for those who do not have business knowledge. That's why real knowledge is necessary if we want to move faster if we want each new user to make $ 500 in the first 30 days. It is important for us to share our experiences and real knowledge about how to take the first steps and how to achieve success in the fastest way.
- Go to the trending posts and choose your favorites.
Choose successful bloggers whose style and posts you like. It is important that we follow strong bloggers because they have good voting power and can reward us. If we want to establish good communication, we need to choose bloggers with similar or same interests as we do. Try to find out why a blogger is writing such a type of post, it is very important that we discover the ultimate goal that he wants to achieve. Read a few shots from the same blogger, see which lifestyle he likes (adventure, yoga, sports, music, poetry, etc.) because the goal is to connect with a person rather than a text.
Good preparation is 90% of the job done, think carefully whether this person is answering you personally, because I'm sure you want to connect and make the right friendship.
- Become a creative commentator.
Comments are the way to success, they are our dance floor. Comments are very important because they connect us with a blogger, so it is important that our comments establish a real relationship and cause attention. It is also very important to be persistent, the comments are the same as advertising in our Steemit world. Make sure you are among the first to write a comment, but this does not mean that you should be unfair, first read the entire post. If someone leaves a comment in the first minute after this post, I know that this person did not read my post, of course I do not want to reward people who are not honest with me. The second part of the story is to make a comment that has a correlation with the text, which ends with some nice question or a unique conclusion. The point is that you notice your comment and give you an answer, remember that your answer should be the last - this is a professional part of the story that talks about your persistence. If bloggers do not want to upgrade after ten days of persistent comments on each post, then remove it from the list and place another person in its place. Do not be angry if you do not reward, everyone has the right to decide who to reward, we are all different. Remember that the two most important words in each type of communication are please and thank you.
- Make a great post, the title is as important as the text.
Success comes when we work with many emotions, when we enter the whole heart with enthusiasm. Power comes from the strength of our mission, so it is important that we do what we love, we create our brand of ourselves. Write posts about what you love most, be creative and give your maximum, make mistakes and learn on them. Comments should attract attention with strong bloggers, at some point some of them will want to see who is the person who makes such nice comments, that is the moment where our post should shine like a star. Define your tactics, time, and people with whom you want to become friends. You are speaking to your audience, so it's important that you build a relationship with everyone who wants to communicate with you. Initially, I did not have many comments, this is normal, so it's important to keep up persistent, this is a long-distance business.
- Be part of the Steemit School that helps you 24 hours a day to achieve maximum success in the shortest time.
Every beginning is difficult if you do not have the right knowledge and the heroic heart. Our mission is to bring new users to Steemit and to train people how to earn their first bread and food. This job requires maximum focus, organization of time and everyday training. Many times I look at comments that are very unsuitable for my posts, we call such people spammers, but basically those are people who want to make money. Many new users do not speak English (I didn't no know how to speak English), they do not have a mentor who can tell them how to make a good post and an excellent comment. If we do not help new users to become successful then we have a huge problem that we see in our voting power that falls every day. There are two goals that we want to achieve with Steemit School 1. To bring as many new users as possible 2. To help new users become successful and to earn from $ 300 to $ 500 in the first month. In order for users to become successful, they need to change their way of thinking, they should learn universal rules and apply them in practice.
The school should contain the main pillars of life success in its program :
What is life success ?
How to achieve financial success ?
What is blockchain technology and its applications in the future ?
Proper work on Steemit, creative vision and strategies for making successful posts, etc.
Investment principles and business logic ?
Types of business and the development of new trends in the world ?
Psychology of success ?
Creating new habits of success ?
The way of thinking and the power of the mind ?
Development of multidimensional intelligence ?
These are just some of the topics that will go through our training. Each of our schools will have licensed trainers and the same way of working. We create a team that has a vision to maximally support the development of new users and their abilities. Everyone who has ideas, desire and vision to become our partners, trainers, developers, designers and investors are welcome. Our goal is to launch a big influx of new users (100,000,000), and with that we raise the value of Steemit and Steem. We need people who never give up, who have a great and brave heart, because this is the way for the winners, we need to pass through a large number of obstacles that await us. We create a better future, help the poor to earn money for education, for a normal life, and in this way we help the rich to become even richer, in this way we raise the value of Steemit and Steem to a higher level of understanding and organization.
Be part of the biggest movement on Steemit, we are here with our expert team and great experience 24 hours for you.
We Win Together - Steemit School
See You on the top - Be part of our Steemit School on Discord Channel :
Believe in Yourself @dobartim
useful and educative info!
Agree with every word you have written
and I appreciate you talk about money and rewards so sincerely, because I see so many posts when people speak about Steemit as a place for friendship only, and that it mustn't be a place of profit.
II don't understand why these people lie to other steemians because they and all the rest use Steemit as a place of profit to some extend, we all are somehow money-moivated there. and we must be open to take it and to speak about it, the platform pays for the content, so it's ok to be good in writing good content and getting money for it.
I have joined a discord channel, thanks for this idea!
The idea of a Steemit School is quite laudable but the fact that you intend to teach life's success principles is what I really love. Most newbies are quick to forget that the Steem ecosystem is still 'in' the real world. Hence, to be wildly successful here, you will need more than writing posts and even commenting only...and you definitely need to stop wailing to whales. Every BIG shot was once a small shot who kept on shooting...well done and GODspeed with your school @dobartim
Being a big shot is a state of mind before state of being
Best comment , keep going
My favorite part of your lessons @dobartim is being creative commenters. I have learned from you in the steemit school how to create excellent and genuine comments and I have been using that skill ever since.
Hello everyome, all of this i learnt from the steemit school, and you can learn so much from there as well.
Being part of the steemit school will expose you to so much you have been missing on steemit. You will get to meet and learn from established bloggers on steemit like @d-pend, @flysky, @karensuestudios, @juanmallarcos, etc. You will learn their secrets on steemit and their experiences.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the greatest movement on steemit everyone.
For more explanations, watch the video below to learn about the steemit school.
And click the link in the post to join the discord channel.

@dobartim is bring the people to make more comments/ creating engagers! My favorite part of his advice and my weakest quality!
This is excellent for us, but dont put links to post from other bloggers.
Yes sure, I put the link here because it was your post
Really enjoy today on the school , interesting and excited project
Thank you my friend for support.
Very brave of you @dobartim to engage on such a mission. I've been on a few of #steemitschool classes and I must say I have learned a lot.
I've followed these exact rules about commenting and finding honest bloggers, I really engaged myself in their stories and because I liked those stories I was able to make a good honest comment and made few great friends along. Award also came but that is something beneath relationships I made.
According to #steemitschool rules of success, I even made my first blog ever that made me a huge profit! And I encourage anyone to come and see what is #steemitschool all about...
Thanks for your attribution for this community, see you on the top ;)
Cheers beers my neighbour, Luka.
Amazing and well written comment!
Thank you @dynamicgreentk True story bro ;)
Odlican koment Luka, nastavi dalje i vidim te na samom vrhu.
Naravno, samo jako i samo naprid! ;)
That's a well detailed talk. Many come to steemit and just want to earn without really sitting down to understand how the platform works.
When i came in about 47 days ago, i was seeing big payouts. So i wondered what they were doing that made them get such pays. I started doing some personal studies and research and then came up with something good that has been helping me
I then decided to put it up in a post to help newbies
The above has attracted some curators to me and my payout has increased from cents to dollars because i decided to put in my time to study.
Like i do say at times in my post
One must decide to succeed before actually succeeding by paying the price of success.
Seeing value in something helps create a market. Your decisions will help all of steemit suceed! Great comment and information here!
Indeed Taelor, your memes and sponsored content for steemit school will also help it grow maybe just a smidge faster, it's everybody's effort pulled together that will help this grow exponentially!
You're totally correct. New comers need to learn commenting on people's post. Not just any comment like "nice posts" , "great" and the likes. Instead they should comment quality and contributing contents. By so doing, you get to make new friends . It is the first step to greatness on steemit.
See on the top
The top - my aim
My motto -learning never endsThe first week I registered on steemit. All I was doing was reading the do's and don'ts of this community. And so far I have learnt alot. And I will definitely like to learn more. So I will join the group. If you go through my last post... I believe in working hard and never giving up. Thanks @dorbatim for an opportunity to learn more about this community.
Never give up and keep learning!
Education is main thinkg for success in life.
It's a brilliant concept of steemit school.After reading your post i felt that this is a complete manual of success for all the new comers at steemit.The way you described every thing its awesome,but i think that every one here is not with the same mentality like yours.There are few people who comment here without reading the post and that's why their comments stays at the top.But people like me who comment after reading the post they don't get anything because their post stays at the bottom.Some people who has got big voting power they also don't read all the comments they only vote for top few comments.Another thing it's about posting some times your good post doesn't get much but few ordinary post earns a lot.I am a new comer here your post will show me the direction of success for sure.If you wanna be successful you have to maintain some basic rules working hard,don't give up,facing difficulties with courage and find an alternative way of getting success.If some one follows this rules he will be succeed for sure.Thank's for such useful post.@upvoted and resteemed
Consistency is the mark of a professional! think of it as fishing just keep trying and you'll get there think of it as fishing just keep trying and you'll get there think of it as fishing just keep trying and you'll get there!
Welcome to our Steemit School, see you on the top
First, I want to say thanks for this article because this article very inspiring me as new comer here in steemit world.
And then @dobartim explain the most prinsipal thing here, I read it, I think deeply and I understand, so in the next post I must write or post the good quality.
Thanks again... Please keep supporting us as a new comer.
Dont forget to create comments and becoming a engager on peoples steemit pages
Be better, be yourself
Great post as always really educating,i really learnt a lot about commenting both from reading this post and from listening to your sections in the steemit school and i'm not only listening but i have decided to put it to practice by choosing a certain people to drop daily comments for via their posts.
Thanks for this valid information and share of knowledge.
You are make great progress, keep going our @queenerica
Thank you so much for this initiative sir im more than elated to be part of the school, im willing to learn and commit totally to these lessons which are helping me become better for myself and for others. Bless you
We win together
This is a really nice initiative. This wouldn't have come from a selfish person, it can only be from a man with a great heart. A man unlike others, who sees spammers not only as spammers but as people without knowledge. At steemit school we help the supposed 'spammers' to make money for bread on the table. I am proud to be a student in steemit school and sincerely all I have been taught since I joined as helped me a great deal. I know I can only get better. Join us in steemit school and win with us, because in steemit school we win together.
This is true spirit my friend.
This is awesome. We need to know so much stuff when we first come in here. It can be overwhelming if we don't have the right information. Most of us just get lost to be honest. I know the importance of being helped and that's why I want to help too and share my experience. I've been here for almost a month and it's crazy awesome, but like I said, overwhelming.
it takes lots of energy and motivation and focus to do this not to mention time so yes it can be overwhelming I feel you there
@agnikana Welcom to our Steemit School we waiting for you
I am going to have to resteem for newbies that I invite over. I am learning that content is important too but I feel like I am just dipping my toes in a huge river lol. I am excited to use the steemit platform to help others on different fronts and yes help myself achieve my personal goals. IThere is such a school for steemit? (wink - ask question at the end )@dobartim-
Gotta love steemit for the ability to better help and give to those in need!
I agree! and it seems to weed out the legit people who really are seeking a good platform from the spammers who copy paste- lol
Well there are still lots of spam bots...
Wow! I'm happy I came across your blog @dobartim.Thanks for the initiative. Thanks for the informative post. It will be of help for a newbie like myself. It takes determination and focus to achieve success. Though there must be challenges but the truth is that most successful people in the world have overcome tremendous challenges in other to reach their goals. I joined steemit and became frustrated at a point that I almost gave up. To buy data and stay online is one of my biggest challenges now. I'm part of this great community today, due to my determination and focuse, though I have not started earning much, but I'm already in love with it. Everyday I keep exploring it more and more and have followed some amazing blogs and you are one of them. Thanks @dobartim
It is my honor, see you on the top
Thank you sir.
Please @dobartim , when I go through trending post and follow these bloggers you are talking about with a particular interest .... Am I always going to be seeing their post?. Again will they know am following them. This is the part I am confused with. For being creative with my post, I understand it now and will start working to achieve that. Thanks
See you on the top
Thank you sir
Let me pick out just one content from the post out of several contents.
Youre wonderful in your thinking.This post is so qualitative and educative at the same time @dobartim. STEEMIT SCHOOL: This is one of the greatest innovative have seen on steemit. @dobartim is not just interested in making himself more richer but also educating new users on how this platform works. The main purpose of the school is to educate and develop out multidimensional intelligence as earlier said by @dobartim. Recommendation: I urge everyone to make good use of this free opportunity brought to us @dorbatim. Its a nice initiative, I must say a very big thanks to you@dobartim.
This is amazing comment, thank you for support
You are much welcome.
Have joined the school but i'm not acquainted with the environment. Pls @dobartim enlighten me a bit. Thanks for your wonderful initiative.
Wow, am happy to see this post... And this is my favorite part
I have been following the steemit school lately and I must confess it has really made changed me, I endorse my fellow minnows to join the steemit school because it will really be of help of help to you. Thanks @dobartim for sharing, am blessed with this article.
I love the gratitude! Great comment!
Amazing comment
I haven't been Posting for 2 weeks now due to some concern, but curated other people's post.
Thank you @dobartim for being blunt in a friendly about the hard work steemit entails. Thanks to @desmonddesk who invited me to join the Steemit School this morning. I am open to to all the Steemit School has to offer newbies like me.
How true or possible are the earnings in your statement below, because I read so many people saying the same and I wonder how?
Its 100% true!
Thank you very much for this nice comment
The pleasure is all mine.
Please, remember I am still a newbie who needs all the lesson that there is so as to become a Pro like you.
Obvice I have got a lot to learn. Your post is very informative. I guess I must spend more time online. I'm not very computer savvy on creating the posts like that I read and see.I do like to comment a little bit. You say that you can make that kind of money on this program. Well, thats probably not my strong suit.I won't quit my day job. The question I have is to make a living on STEEMIT, how much time does an average Steemian need to put in a week? Or is all timing and luck? Or is it kissing someone's ass? I have seen and read that some of our Steemians lose some of there earnings that they spent time on, then it's gone. In this platform is it the school of hard knocks?It is very kool how people help people here. I'm not sure if I am doing things ok, I'm having a blast saying my piece. thanks following
See you on the top, be part of our Steemit School
Informative post @dobartim it is nice to have great instructors on steemit and discord. I have been learning a lot of things on the live classes that you have been holding on #STEEMSCHOOL. I encourage all to join this server on discord. It is a place to connect with steemit users as well as people from all walks of life.
Thank you @dobartim for taking your time to share such an interesting and the same time educative information. I believe this post will serve as a comprehensive manual for every newbie like myself to achieve success on this platform. I'm looking forward to implementing every point you have highlighted.
Really good post....
Bd comment, go to Steemit School and learn
Bad comment
Did a lot of research for how to begin as s fresher on steemit but your feed always gave satisfactory results keep it up
Be prt and make you reputation to be better.
I am just a newbie,sometimes I felt Steemit is not for me because I am not a good author or blogger...this is my first online community I joined related to blogging...
I hope I can learn more as my journey in Steemit begins.
Welcome to our online lesson in discord channel, we are witing for you
Found it useful
Make better comments
Hello my friend.
I see you are one of the people that care for you followers, and i here humbly ask you:
Could you help me spread the word about a giveaway i am doing for my 400 followers? Would be nice to have you as a sponsor:
Thank you sir @dobartim for sharing your idea and give education to learn more how to attain success in steemit..its a perrfect point of view.
We win together @dobartim
Thank you @dobartim for the initiative to make this community better. Having the right set of education would go a long way in making anybody from any field of life better. It was too late before I came across your blog with my old account @emmakwisequote (I have lost password into that account ). Now that I have to start afresh, nothing would be better than to start with the right set of education.
Of course
I make more on comments then I do on posts. People just starting out and living in 2 cent blog hell would be wise to make as much on comments as you can and reinvest the SBD in some vote bots. Or turn the SBD into steem to raise your vote value...
Of course, keep going
I am trying to connect with the steemit school on discord, but I am redirecting each time I try to connect, what can I do or am I the only one with this problem?
You got a 2.40% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @dobartim!
Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker websitevote for @yabapmatt for witness! for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please
This is very helpful sir. I will share this to my newbie friends.
A new insight have I gotten via your laudable post again. Your intellectual prowess is second to none and you have being a light to we newbies on this platform. I hope to understand more about this platform as I journey with your posts. Thank you.
I love and really enjoy your awesome Steemit School discord channel and I'm happy to be part of it. I was listening to you today, and it was great to hear the actual discussion between the steemians.
Thanks for making steemit a better place
Steemit School Rocks!!!
@dobartim your point about marketing steemit as a social media platform with great opportunities is actually a better strategy in the long run.
mmmmm, esta idea me gusta..!
I'll join it sir
I will to connect with steemit old school
Waooh. Such a great write-up. This is really what newbies on this platform need. True, most of them are not career bloggers and as such may find it a bit hard to find their feet. I signed up up to 6 new users and they got their approval last weekend. I will channel them to this Steemit school where they will be groomed on how to succeed on this platform. Without such guidance, these new entrants may give up before even starting and they wont make a good image of Steemit when they relate their experience to others. Thanks @ dobartim
I am a wordpress web designer. I also a coach and seasoned public speaker. I have my IT startup running now for 1year and would be willing to start a Steemit school here in Nigeria soon. If there's any way i can be of assistance to the Steemit school you established, do let me know sir. Thanks for your inspiration. I already follow you.
This is a link to the small effort i made to start an IT firm on my own as a fresh graduate of computer science:
Hmm, I wish I had seen this post since my within my first 40 days in Steemit. Anyways, am encouraged that there are sincere folks as @dobartim who truly wants to help new steemians like myself. Am personally encouraged that I have read this. So hoes does one enroll into the Steemit School?. I'm poised to impact with my writing skills, but need to be guided that I keep to the rules in Steemit. Knowledge is power. Thank you @dobartim
About comments - when reading a post you get inspired by words in it. It's like you're breathing in the text and then reflect back with your own unique viewpoint. For me - usually something poetrical comes to my mind.
In the ocean of knowledge we're flowing together,
where will we go and how is the weather?
If you love it doesn't matter.
It's all about feelings you get on your leather.
Hi @dobartim. This post is one of the best post to success on steemit that I've ever come across, since I joined in January.
You've really made awesome points... One of my mentors, @gee1 said something which I'd never forget.
What she meant was that if you intend to be a great leader, especially here on Steemit, you must have followed some people greater than you.
Relating these words to your first point, I conclude that following the right people is also one of the surest ways to succeed fast on steemit.
That's why I'm also giving you a follow now. I've also joined your discord channel.
By the way, I'm from Nigeria.
I recently spoke with one of those involved in the Nigerian schools and I heard about the courses that would be taught. About how it would not just teach on steemit but also on needed skills, business etc.
Great job.
This has been my tactics since I joined steemit even though I slacked a lot at a point in time. I basically write about music and make rap videos when I have enough time to do so. Creating a niche for oneself is KEY!
I love the part that say 'never give up'.
Consistency is the pathway to success(even on steemit).
It helped me. I love this @dobartim.
Our goal is to launch a big influx of new users (100,000,000), and with that we raise the value of Steemit and Steem.
I am keying into this program with all my time. You just created a platform to simplify my journey on Steemit. Thanks a lot!@dobartim, do you have a target time for achieving this goal? I love goals, the bigger they are - the more thrilling.