First, I want to explain what my username means - @dobartim in Serbian means good team, for success, you need an excellent team to work with. Translate from CroatianMy name is Goran Stankovic and I was born in BiH in 1975. When I was 2 years old, my parents moved to the capital of Serbia - Belgrade. My father was a military doctor, my mother's nurse, I am the youngest son, I have two older brothers. My country was then called Yugoslavia, now we have 7 states in that area. I was never interested in politics, the war that happened was bad for all people, the economy became bad and we touched the bottom. We did not have a lot of money, as a kid along with my brothers I collected old newspapers, novels and magazines, it enabled us to be educated, trained and go to the sea over the summer. I learned on the street how to trade, my life gave me great lessons that I had to go through. When I was 18, I organized a sale in the market, I traveled to Budapest to get goods, which I sold in Belgrade. At first I did not have the money to invest, I borrowed money, which I had to return within 30 days. I realized that I made a profit of 70% in the first month, I felt a great victory.
I started organizing others who traveled to Budapest for me, and I also organized sellers who sold goods. I saw that the organization of the job was doing well, I made great money. I studied law school, but I did not see a vision in the law, I changed my job and I began to deal with MLM marketing. In 2003, I opened my first PXD SYSTEM, It was not easy to achieve success. I met Cryptoccurency 18 months ago, I slowly entered the essence and recognized the future that is happening. I have to say that my life path from poverty to normal life has lasted for a very long time. I saw many problems, the obstacles were my everyday occurrence, but my dream was living in my heart, every day I looked into the future that I have to create. Persistence is my natural talent, my father taught me that knowledge is the most important thing after honor. Learning discipline (I'm used to reading at least 20 pages of business literature each day), seven months ago, I met Steemit, something completely different from what I've seen so far.
I saw a vision that all people are equal, that there is a possibility that poor people learn how to become financially independent. Someone made a great idea, and the first users helped to make the paths of success, which we are walking freely today. Every success requires a unique principle - " The more you give, the more you get " , I saw the opportunity to help defeat poverty in all parts of the world. I have been educating people for almost 20 years, I have written 5 books (two have been translated in English), for me is a life mission to help people to become successful.
I've seen a lot of ideas and posts on the subject of blockchain technology, internet marketing etc, but I did not see anyone opening the Steemit school that connects with life's school of success. That's why I opened the first Steemit school in my country, I got a vision to expand the school and the whole world. I believe that we will have Steemit schools all over the world, I want to educate people to become better people, more successful in their lives. Many people have great experience and I am grateful for their great support.
When I saw the possibility that the witness could bring a lot of money, I decided to make a witness server and invest 100% of the salary in support of the development of Steemit schools. One name, one brand for one goal - Steemit School changes the lives of people. Soon we will have an entire education program that I will officially announce with all the details, this is a great challenge that gives me the strength to give my maximum potential. I am happy to see enthusiasm in young people, I feel the real energy that begins to grow. I wish that all children have the same chance of growing in a country without wars, in a normal and healthy family and environment. That is why we need people with a pure heart, who are not selfish, who have the vision of a better and equal world for all nations. As an individual I do not belong to any lobby group, my wish is that the best quality people can reach the peak. If you do not have Steem power then your posts do not have earnings. If you do not have Steem power then it's much harder to get to new followers. If you do not have Steem power, you are not attractive to those with strong voting power. That's why we make a Witness for all people, for those who do not have strong support, who do not have the money to invest, and above all, we want to teach new users a new way of thinking. We win together with the new energy of love, communion and enthusiasm.
P.S. Now I live and work in Macedonia
This is wonderful
Welcome to our family on Discord Channel
See you on the top
Believe in yourself @dobartim
Well done ..
Who works hard deserves .. Thanks you for sharing your experience
For more creativity ..
See you on the top
You are a great man indeed and I will really love to work with you
The discord link is not working
I really love to join Welcome
By the way you are a good leader , good job , keep going
Thank you
Awesome post sir.. I've learnt a lot from you. You overcame a lot to be where you are today and i admire that. Weldone sir @dobartim.
We win together
I'm so proud of you mentor, I wish I could meet with you. I want you to mentor me pls, I want to be like you pls help me @dobartim
Go to discord channel
BTW sir, did you get my ultimate challenge entry?
No, I read entry on the end
Pls drop me the link sir.
Hi steemians.
grass to grace. I don't need a soothsayer to tell me that he is an epitome of humility.For the records, @dobartim's life has been from
cares for all steemians.@dobartim,
Keep doing the good work, Boss!
Thank you very much
You are most welcome, mentor.
I'm more than motivated by your story. You are the true definition of what people call from ZERO to HERO. Helping people and making the world a better place, permit me to say you are that HERO the minnows on Steemit has been waiting for.
This Steemit School is a great initiative which will further change the world, give hope to the less privilege. Thank you so much
Thank you very much for kind words
It's nice to hear someones life path from when they had less to making something of yourself. It makes everyone else feel that their own goals are reachable which is a great benefit so I thank you for sharing it with us. In regards to witness, it is something that I have seen mentioned before but not really looked in to. I will do so now.
As for Steem Power, I have a mere 63.9 I think which doesn't give me a lot of influence. how much would you say is a good amount to have and is it (in your eyes) worth investing heavily in. I would get a half decent amount if i say exchange 1 ethereum for Steem power but I still feel that i wouldn't be any more than a minnow still. Thanks again @dan21050
Main thing is knowledge
Yugoslavia, Serbia, I often follow the news when there is conflict in your country. I like your story and your experience, it's amazing ! I am from Indonesia (Province of Aceh). nice to meet you.. Thank you.
Thank you for support
Svaka cast i veliki pozdrav! Stvarno Dobar Tim!
Hvala od srca
Good job @dobartim
I just started following you today after seeing your name attached to so many posts by others. Hoping I can learn some things from you on this platform.
Thank you for your trust
Wow ... I have always wondered what dobartim means I know!!!! .... your story is actually very inspiring moving from grass to grace .... thank you for this ... I'm so happy that we have the steemit school in my country Nigeria , thank you so much for this, this is a very good innovation , and I believe it's gonna help and touch every user .... thank you once more @dobartim !!!
You are welcome
What an inspiration you are and how amazing that you are making such 'steemit schools' a reality.
Concerning steem I always wonder if I should invest more into steem, but as a later comer it rarely goes below 3 dollars US so the little bit I'd get seems it wouldn't matter.
Recently, however, I have had to think about how I should maybe make it a weekly task to buy some steem power. Over weeks it will slowly grow and grow. This cements the idea to me.
I can't wait to see more about your steemit school. Well done, and what an interesting life you have had thus far! Way to share the love of your knowledge with others.
Thank you very much for exellent comment
Your idea is wonderful. I am from Venezuela and I would love that in my country there is a school of steemit to turn together the rudder towards the dream land
I believe in users from Venezuela.
very nice i like your storry scince poorness to richness. i think schooling is the best way for steemit aducation. keep it up
Of course
Who would have thought that below
One thing i have cherish about you is your charity works here on steemit and your act of carrying minnows, newbies along is commendable
Words from a true and compassionate leader
Thank you very much
dobartin i really can relate to your grace to grass a new minnow and i hope u can help me wit your witness set up....i just followed u now to be abreast of every of your new posts....remain blest
Thank yuo for your comment
I never heard of you until today. I see the impact you have made on many people's lives. Keep doing what you are doing, ever lasting success to you @dobartim. You are doing displaying exactly what Zig Ziglar:
"You will get what you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want".
I love him very much, I read a lot of awesume books
He's awesome indeed.
I really got good vibes from you @dobartim this initiative that you are making is truly amazing, I remember you were telling me about this initiative a month ago, I have a good feeling about it man, I see that you recognize the crypto and Steemit potential and understand that we are all here pioneers to something new and wonderfully complex.
I'm located in the vicinity of Split, Croatia
If you ever want to expand the school in some way here, or maybe just give lectures, you can count om me to give you a hand with the logistics, cheers man and keep everything up, I read your whole story, and I'm glad you managed to find a way to keep it straight through marketing and entrepreneurship
Thank you for big support, From now You are part in our team - Customer Witness
Thank you @dobartim I will do what I can to contribute to the Customer Witness project 👍
Zdravo,drago mi e sto sam te nashla moia idea e ista i smo grupa koia se organiziramo ali treba josh puno da ucimo sve kako ide
nadam se da nama pomogesh
Sve sto mogu cu da uradim, mi pravimo jednu skolu za ceo svet, jed witness za ceo svet, isti brend za sve nacije.
Bash mi e drago i jelim vama sve nai dobro i ima isto da se ucim ot vama
It is a really wonderful goal you've set out for and we will surely work together for the success of the steemitschool. 1 brand 1 mission. That's our team (from right to left) myself, @olumideolowoyeye, @nwamaka and @mistakili himself and a lot more people all for steemitschool. Thanks to @dobartim for this.
Thanks to @dobartim, he's really Dr. Great. With full support and action, this is our reality, we win together.
Thank you for kind words and support
Thanks to @dobartim for this wonderful innovation. We got your back anytime . Steemit School Nigeria. See you at the top sir
See you at the top
Really nice to see, that good person like you is trying to learn others to be financially independent. Well done!
I wasn't for quite some years, and now, when I finally have the job and Steemit I just know that there is a bright future for many. And that everything is possible if you are just willing to make some effort.
Thank you very much, we must to work with poor heart. Be part in our discord channel
Толку инспирира целиот пост, посебно корисен за нас кои имаме уште голем пат пред нас. Благодарам :)
Budi ponosna sto si Makedonka, u Makedoniji je otvorena prva Steemit Skola, a sada se otvaraju skole u celom svetu.
Посакувам многу успех и на училиштето во Македонија и секаде во светот. Гледам многу потенцијал во оваа платформа и се надевам дека ќе го најдам своето место тука :)
THanks a lot and it’s a privilege to be part of the Steemit School Nigeria. We @tomilolafadipe , @olumideolowoyeye , @mistakili , @nwamaka at Steemit School Nigeria are here to work for you to achieve your wonderful dream by working tirelessly here in our region of the world . Success to Steemit School
Steemit school is one school for all users all around the world
The greatest leader with high potential.
A source of inspiration and blessings. The humble shall be exalted that keeps you high @macdonaldfebi
God is the main leader
Hello Sir @dobartim, I am really inspired by what you said, I am a newbie in Steemit and I believe that the Steemit school will really help us how to be successful in Steemit. God bless your heart for teaching us and inspiring us that we can also be successful in this platform.
Be part of our Steem Schools discord channel
Yes Sir, I am already part of the discord channel.thank you very much.
Wow...u are indeed an Epitome of virtues....keep the good work going sir.
Thank you very much
I am almost crying for your life story.
Finally every one has a story to tell.
No one made it to the top so easily.
I have a question
Since i do not have steem power,do u advice me to change my earning to 100% steem power
No, 50-50% is best in this moments.
Thanks for this advice
Thank you
Que hermosa historia, que bellos sentimientos, Dios te Bendiga y te de fortaleza para que logres todos tus proyectos @steemitschool, un saludo desde Venezuela @dobartim
Welcome to steemit
It really not easy for you but I see you were a smart type that why u were able to successfully make it in life
Thank you very much for this kind words
Great motivation post @dobartim this post is very helpful for me
Good work
Your welcome
You got a 32.30% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @dobartim!
thanks man. for sharing this. im inspired. :)
I read it twice, hopefully I can follow your trail
Go to our channel
Dobartim i am your fane ..your post is very hlepfull for us and you are a best leader ...
Thank you very much
Thank you for inspiring post.
Welcome to Steemit
Hope you know am one of your biggest fans in Nigeria??
You are such a motivation.Good to know more about you @dobartim
Thank you very much for kind words
This post has received gratitude of 1.88 % from @appreciator thanks to: @dobartim.
You are humble, and like to help others, all of the things that you are doing will pay off! keep it up @dobartim ;)
Thank you for support
You got a 5.90% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @dobartim!
Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker websitevote for @yabapmatt for witness! for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please
Dobar lider ajde da vidime kolku Makedonci ne ima na Steem @tocox
Ne znam koliko ima Makedonaca, ali je lepo da ih vidimo ovde.
I’m from Rwanda and let me tell you I want to stay close to you (or at least your stories for now). I even want you to help make a steemit school in Kigali the capital city of Rwanda.
I’m really touched by your story. We learnt about your countries and what happened all along from World War I. It’s terrifying. But now look how an amazing man you’ve become and how you managed to overcome hatred and instead decided to love and help people from all over the world!
You relate well to some people in Rwanda. People killed each other during the last genocide that humanity will never forget. But the same people (or in some cases their relatives) are currently living side by side!
Men it’s amazing what humans are capable of.
Thanks really for your contributions.
I now have no Steem power and barely have any followers but I believe in change. Something is going to happen I can feel it.
Much respect.
Excellent comment, be part of our movement. Go to our discord channel
Not only a leader ......... But a great analyst ....... With much enthusiasm with the development of this great community ......... Nice one....
Thank you for support
Wunderbar! Never heard of steem school. All the best on the way to conquer the world! Good Steem!
We win together
You're such an inspiring person @dobartim. Your story is so touching and encouraging. You know what amazes me? Your name has been mentioned like a thousand times over the past few days since I started using Ginabot to follow some of my favourite steemians which you happen to be one of them. And I had wondered why the frequent mention of your name, only to discover that you have impacted so many lives positively. Keep doing it.
I want to thank you for choosing my country Nigeria to be one of the first places to establish your steemit school. Your kind act won't be forgotten.
Nigerian people are very cretive and honest.
Great hearing that. Thank you for the commendation.
Finally!!! This is something to look out for... Steemit School Nigeria! 🇳🇬 leggo
Excellent movement
Join in our channel
I just did!
I still can't determine if the situation in our country helped us or strangled us, but I think that in long-term it gave us the advantage.
We learned some "street smart" no matter what we were doing and in the adult life - it comes handy.
Step by step, we win together
Great work you are doing here especially to encourage new members.
We win together