
Thank you, Queen. I am finding the 93 poems in 100 days a challenge. I usually like to sit on a poem for a few days and play around with it, get it just right to my estimation; so I am never sure how these quicker writes are going to turn out:) I appreciate your reassurance:):):) I do:)

I would not agree to those terms. lol As poetry is defiantly not my strong suit. I struggle to even post one thing a week let alone 97 poems in 100 days.

I think you are doing well. :)

It's 90 poems now:) Yay!!!

It's same with me... When i have to write within some minutes... I prefer to get my inspirations from my mood and now that has changed.. getting a new one everyday. Is a great challenge considering the fact that i'm only a beginer. I guess we have to stay focused.afterall that is why it's called "challenge" 😂

Indeed. the good new is we only have to do 90 poems now to complete the challenge. D-pend has changed it to 10 rest days:)