A child laughs.
It's more than enough;
he hasn't learned to forget.
Maybe this is one of the most important things my children are teaching me, to reconnect to that pure innocence that exists within all of us. Laughter is medicine.
A child laughs.
It's more than enough;
he hasn't learned to forget.
Maybe this is one of the most important things my children are teaching me, to reconnect to that pure innocence that exists within all of us. Laughter is medicine.
I think some children know more than they are letting on about. Memory is a funny thing. And then life perhaps teaches them to forget all they know and become more human. Or perhaps we do that to them? But they are still children, they still contain that something magical, and that's what I was trying to get at with these words. So yes, laughter is medicine. Often the best kind. Thanks for your comment.