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• when you're near me like a full moon
even more perfect
• when the heart is troubled by flying thoughts
uncertain direction
• gaze at your eyes like an embedded bow
dikantungi hatiiku
• then come to me with such sincere intentions
bow bow
• saat kau di dekatku dirimu bagaikan bulan purnama
bahkan lebih sempurna
•disaat itu hati gundah gulana pikiran terbang
tak tentu arah
• tatap matamu bagai busur panah yang menancap
dikantungi hatiku
• maka datanglah padaku dengan niat tulus seperti
halnya busur panah
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• the beginnings of rain from clouds and the beginning of love
from the eye
• if the eyes stare at each other, then it can
grow the seed of love hearted
• the best girl is you, you are friendly
and definitely answer the greetings with the greeting and
• your fragrant fragrant like perfume
your face is like an angel and your fingertips are flickering
like a branch of a tree
• permulaan hujan dari mendung dan permulaan cinta
dari pandangan mata
• bila mata saling menatap, maka itu bisa
menumbuhkan benih cinta dihati
• sebaik-baiknya gadis adalah dirimu, kamu ramah
dan pasti menjawab salam dengan ucapan dan
• semerbak harum mu seperti minyak wangi dari
wajahmu seperti bidadari dan ujung jarimu lentik
bagai ranting pohon
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• Your smile is bright as a diamond string
• cool as snow, fragrant as flowers
• My lover says welcome and give
supplement with a sweeter remark
than honey
• I walk and the star is scattered by light
• when you come then the starlight becomes
• whether the light is a lightning strike
• or the light or the glow of my beloved teeth.
• senyummu cerah bagai untaian intan
• sejuk bagai salju, harum semerbak bagai bunga
• kekasihku berkata selamat datang dan memberikan
tambahan dengan ucapan yang lebih manis
daripada madu
• aku berjalan dan bintang bertebaran cahaya
• ketika engkau datang maka cahaya bintang menjadi
• apakah cahaya itu adalah kilat yang menyambar
• atau cahaya lampu atau kilau cahaya gigi kekasihku.
Thanks for @dobartim and @d-pend. Let's join steemischol
SteemitSchoolThis is the entry for 100 Days Poetry Challenge by @d-pend for
Hi @kil, thanks for a beautiful Malay poem. Thanks for writing in your mother tongue.
But, please also make a translation to English. Place it on top or bottom, doesn't matter. But I must see this also, for now, since I do not speak Malay nor do I have a Malay poet to help me judge.
Otherwise, you have followed instructions properly! Also include an invitation link from Steemit School Discord at the bottom of the post.
Thank you sir. I have edited, try to see what is correct