Fluid - 100 Days of Poetry Challenge Day #8

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

I have absolutely no idea how I wrote this poem I just opened my word processor, chose a word and decided to write whatever came to mind. I got twenty lines. Then when I was making the post, I got a third stanza. I also decided to make the stanzas side by side instead of following each other. Perhaps in the future I'll add more stanzas. Enjoy reading.




      You in me
      Me in you

No starting point
No finishing point

      Just us

You in me
Me in you



      Bound together
      Joined as one



You in me
Me in you



      You in me
      Me in you


      Just us

You in me
Me in you


Image Source OLA

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I just realized that if you viewed this post with a phone, it would look all jumbled up. I use a laptop to make my updates and it looks just fine on the laptop. I don't know how to fix this

And so I changed the side by side thingy because viewing the post on a phone sort of messes the whole thing up. So, the stanzas follow each other now like a conventional poem

experiementing with different layouts, approaches, and the ways visual aesthetics will affect the tone and readability of a piece - I love it, mate!

Always knew that the many different way we are going to try and put poems together throughout this challenge were going to be just the most fun to see and be a part of, and this is certainly one of those.

Thank you for putting in the time to craft this piece and for sharing, @theverve.

Thank you for taking the time to read.