100 Days of Poetry / Day 70 - Something else / Nešto drugo - Original poetry

- Something else -

It is not in the madness
of the situation,
it is not in the calm
before the storm.
It's in something else.

It is not in your behavior
that led to this moment,
it is not in anyone's dreams
where you need to fall asleep.
It's in something else.

It is not in the words
that will save you from hell,
it is not in the deeds
that will bring you in heaven.
It's in something else.

What do you think
this something else is,
what do you think
the ill mind can comprehend?
Can you?

- Nešto drugo -

Nije to od ludila
neke situacije,
nije to u miru
prije oluje.
To je u nečem drugom.

Nije do vašeg ponašanja
koje je dovelo do ovog trenutka,
nije u ničijim snovima
gdje trebate zaspati.
To je u nečem drugom.

Nije u riječima
koji će vas spasiti od pakla,
nije u djelima
koji će vas dovesti u raj.
To je u nečem drugom.

Što misliš
što je ovo nešto drugo,
što misliš što
bolestan um može shvatiti?
Možeš li?

1st pic
2nd pic
3rd pic

Shout out to @d-pend for making this beautiful 100 day Poetry challenge. Thanks for your support and for your time you give. Much Cosmic Love.

Anyway, thank you all for reading and for your support! I will appreciate any feedback. Feel free to speak your mind, I'm open to all suggestions and critics, and I will take time to think about them seriously.

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još malo još malo

haha muči nemoj nikome reč haha ;)

nikad bliže 100tom :D

ej kako ću uzet predah kad stane ovo... kako mi tribaaaa eeej, lagano san izgoria al jbg sta me ne ubije, zajebaje me :D haha

popit pivu i pocet novi 100 days challenge :D

nemoj to ni spominjat čoviče. prvo pivu ne pijen, drugo ne pocinjen vise ovo hahaha :D mozda za koju godinu :P

Mila majko! Zar još 30 dana!?

da još 30 :O A ako san uspia 70 zaredom, triban i ovih zadnjih 30. nekidan san skoro zaboravia pa san pisa poeziju doslovno u po ure xD uglavnom, nedam se :D :D