SSP 100 Day Challenge (Day 1):
I'm beginner, it's my first poem. Thank @d-pend
Destello en mis ojos
(Flash in my eyes)
Colmaste de una alegría inocente
mi primer buen destello en mis ojos |
You fill out of an innocent joy
my first good flash in my eyes |
Bastó vivir feliz a tu lado
y llenarme de sabiduría |
I just had to live happily by your side
to fill me with your wisdom |
Ayer ya tus ojos se cerraron
y no logro superar tu ausencia |
Yesterday your eyes closed
and I can not overcome your absence |
De tu estirpe el gran ser que medré
en mi fiel corazón tu amor, padre |
From your lineage the being that thrived
in my heart for your love, father |
Great job. I love seeing the two languages side by side like you did. That was very creative. I think this is going to be awesome having people that speak two languages in this contest because for people like me I can kind of absorb another language even though I may not be learning it I can have exposure to it. This is great. And I really like your poem.
Un saludo desde mi cocina.Hermoso poema @zyllor , hasta una lagrima corrió por mi mejilla de tan solo imaginar melancólica despedida : (