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RE: 969! The Magic Number For My Followers But How Many Are "Dead" And Inactive Or Re-Active ?

in #steemittools8 years ago (edited)

Thanks Silvie! Hearing I made you smile brings a smile to my face too :)

Yes, I totally agree, I have met the most inspiring and caring people through Steemit (hello Mammasitta!) & through crypto in general.

Just the other day I had such a generous show of support through some new friends I've made in this scene, but more on the trading side. So, yeah, there's plenty of great people in this world - Steemit and crypto remind me of this every day, even though the world around us, the powers that be, and the narrative that we are expected to consume, demonstrate otherwise. It's great to be part of positive change.

I'm looking forward to posting again once I'm fully back in the land of the living!

A Phoenix from the ashes revival awaits x


#justsaying :)

“There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up. He must have been the first cousin to Man. But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. And it looks like we're doing the same thing, over and over, but we're got on damn thing the phoenix never had. We know the damn silly thing we just did. We know all the damn silly things we've done for a thousand years and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it, someday we'll stop making the goddamn funeral pyres and jumping in the middle of them. We pick up a few more people that remember every generation.”
― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451