#BadPublicity vs #GoodPublicity (50)

Keep Calm and Clean the Planet: Day 50 of my personal #challenge... Dia 50 de mi #desafio personal.


This is a personal challenge, every day I'm collecting at least one bag of trash.
My dream is : one day thousands of people will follow and with a simple act, we could clean the planet.
Este es un desafío personal, todos los días estoy recogiendo al menos una bolsa de basura.
Mi sueño es: algún día miles de personas lo seguirán y con un simple acto podríamos limpiar el planeta.





Mission accomplished! Misión cumplida!



Simple message with a strong effect. We always say "how beautiful it is"our city,our region, our country... but we do not always pay attention to the small actions that can ruin them.
This post has a good thought!!!!