Life Communication
My name is Ruben Atalido and they come to count as steemit change my life and what my point visrta in their operation.
Steemit change my life in a positive way, teaching me to be resilient is the way to positively adapt to adverse and especially to be a proactive person looking for new ways of entrepreneurship situations.
With stemit I learned that everything is possible, everything has a solution and that the only limiting ourselves, I change that paradigm and mark my own course. It is a tool that helps us to develop ourselves in various areas where we can share both experiences and knowledge.
Many see steemit as a tool that only helps them generate additional income but do not realize it's more than that, because it is a community where every day you learn something new and where you can discover your own abilities and skills and even can master stage fright because you can upload videos constantly providing expertise and focusing on the growth of this great page that definitely here to stay.
Steemit gives you the option to generate income in an interactive and fun way, where you can culturizar and motivate people with your post, videos, images etc.
My experience with steemit he began looking for ways to earn extra income motivated the political-economic situation in my country Venezuela, was as a friend and engineer colleague recommended this page. To be honest not believe in the option of generating mediantes income pages online and had my doubts until I decided to go and I realized that if it worked and that it is a page with a large number of users that supports and especially with serious content and a very clear objective.
Regardless of the activity in which you desempeñes in life, your nationality, mentality and personality, I'm sure you want to succeed in something. No need to be a genius to know that we all have desires, hopes and ambitions in life, can be many, may be few, they can be simple, intermediate and complex, but all repeat, absolutely everyone, we have something we would like to achieve .
Financial Communications
It should be borne in mind that the communication related to the financial market can not be ignored. A rumor, a fact or a figure reported unwisely news broadcast at the wrong time or poorly presented, an indiscreet comment from a manager in an off meeting record with the media, they could lead to a catastrophe for a company for not being properly prepared to communicate news or financial reports to its stakeholders proper way.
Professional and aspiring young often demotivate me by the situation in my country because the purchasing power is very low, coupled with this desire can deal in a better way it was economically; It is through steemit I'm looking for ways to get ahead and push me and to invest and achieve all the goals and goals in life. Now the economic situation is not an impediment to achieving my goals as steemit in my tool for seeking to overcome crises and obstacles that arise in me everyday.
We need to be positively adapt before adverse situations to achieve the goal set and to succeed in the financial world, considering that the key to success is good communication, dedication and sacrifice.
"Will is power"
Business Communications
Rather than boosting my business I am strengthening to take on a challenge and a very clear objective to contribute to my country, both directly and indirectly. Have a very clear mind and a path objective is ideal for tackling all obstacles in the way we plan, we must remember that chances are, you just have to know find and deal with them in the best way.
Civil engineer as my thinking is strengthen me in my area and give you a 180-degree turn my professional life as the best investment is where we best unwrap and what we like. In my profession I enjoy my work, I like to be helpful, be productive and above all provide solutions and ideas in different areas where I have the chance.
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you have not yet found something you love, keep looking. Do not settle. Like the affairs of the heart, you'll know when you find it "
- Steve Jobs
Education Communications
Although I culminate my college career and I like to study and update myself everyday because there is no better pleasure to study and learn something new each time.
With Steemit I adapted very easy because I found a very effective way to distribute both my work, educational journey and the way I interact on this platform that lets us every day new learning.
We must remember that the study and the digital age go hand in hand and is the complement of another, because now through various digital platforms can inform and even culturizarnos, provided they are properly used to make the most of all the advantages it offers.
Steemit is a platform where we can develop ourselves in various fields and culturizarnos with different views, because each person is unique and unrepeatable, so each of us have one thought, one must know how to apply it in the best way to be productive and meet the target or goal set with each of our ideas. Remember that everything is possible, there are no limits and everything is achieved with effort and sacrifice.
"Never consider the study as an obligation but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge."
Albert Einstein
Much of the problems of effectiveness and suffering we face in today's world (organizations and personal life) is related to incompetencias presented in the form of chat and interact with other ... Many people suffer from their inability to They are heard, claiming his trouble or difficulty recognizing the work of others. "Julio Olalla
We should note that many of the problems organizations are a result of poor communication you have. Effective communication is essential to the success of the organization component, which in our case would be the library we are managing or working. Communication is not only interpersonal, person to person, but also we will face intergroup, intragroup, organizational and external communication. We all must have good communication skills to desempeñarnos in each. Most importantly, be willing to cooperate and keep in mind that our words and actions are key to the development of our organization, company, library or any workplace that we represent.
Thanks to @cevantes @ingenierogabriel @steemitboard for all the advice and knowledge and especially to @dobartim for this contest and the motivation to do it.