I think you really can't have an idea of how someone feels unless you been in similar situation as him. I also think that without me being in certain tough situations in life I would not be the same person I am today. it needed a broken person to become a strong person.
I am trying to motivate and inspire people to help them realize that their happiness is truly in their hands. That they have the power to rise above all their problems and prosper. Become stronger. We all have it inside us. We really do. But, only us can unlock the power inside us. Others can help, motivate, inspire, but in the end, it is our responsibility to be happy. It is a CHOICE. :)
Playing sports of any kind is a blessing really, but things sure can change really quickly in a matter of seconds. Been there a lot of times in my life. But, picked myself up each time, and worked myself to a place I am now. :)
Thank you, brother, for such an amazing comment and all your support. I truly appreciate it. :)
Have an amazing day. :)