This is a photo of my little time left on the Facebook wall "[email protected]" This can be a memory for me when I go to school without my parents and have to struggle to finish elementary school but thankfully now I can already get the gradual profit from steemit may be enough for my daily needs
My current busyness is to do business selling birds and flowers online on Facebook wall that is in Lovebird Aceh community here I also get benefit for the cost of daily living.
The life that I live is hopefully can be an experience and lessons for me to be able to appreciate the value of life is very meaningful to be thankful for what we have now and try to get better.
This is my friend who always accompany me when I am sad, happy he is always there for me then from that friend is someone who can be the inspiration support for me.
This is the story of my life is still very much the story of my life journey but this is what I can share for steemian friends hopefully can be an example and lesson for other steemian friends
This is my senses in my stay in the city of Aceh Darussalam from the small I have not lived with her parents I am my 10 years old my parents died so I live with my brother and my life in charge by my brother and my school get scholarships to continue high school for three years after that my sister also died from brain tumor so now i live alone in the house that is so lack of I earn money for my living expenses by working in Satpol-PP with very small income but it does not make me despair me still live this life with excitement because I think there are still many steemian friends who still care for each other like @dobartim, @flysky, @tatjanastan, @ aidasfg7 they are heroes in steemit for us and I really hope to get support and help from they.
Thank you very much for the jury that has allowed me to follow this competition competition @dobartim, @flysky, @tatjanastan, @ aidasfg7
that culun pak @indra2alam bak poto bajei pramuka
100% upvote ,,,heheheh
Hahahaha 😂😂
Thaat ganteeng